• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Neighborhood & Condo Associations

Resident groups are independently incorporated organizations that provide opportunities for neighbors to come together and create a better quality of life in their respective areas. Direct communication with these groups allows the city to provide the best possible services.

Resources for Condos

There’s not one simple reason why people living in Miami Beach choose to be here. Some are natives. Others may have visited friends and/or family – and decided they, too, wanted to be here permanently. Whether you're just moving in or are part of a board committee, there are many resources available to you. There’s no better city in the world to call home!

As a resident living in a condominium, there are some specifics you should know. Below are some resources to help ensure the ultimate quality of life in Miami Beach.


Homeowner/ Condominium associations exist for the benefit of residents like you. They are designed to protect property values and preserve community enjoyment by residents. This is done by providing sound fiscal management, generating a long-term vision for the community, and establishing standards about upkeep and conduct that help maintain high property values.

Below are some resources on how to create an association and to ensure the members follow all rules and regulations.

  • City’s Condominium Liaison

    Marketing & Communications Department: 305.673.7575

  • Emergency Assistance

    FEMA:  1.800. 621. 3362

  • Discrimination/ Harassment

    Florida Commission on Human Relations: 850.488.7082

  • Consumer Complaints

    Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: 1.800.435.7352

  • Violation of Condominium Laws

    Department of Business and Professional Regulations: 1.800.226.9101 Ext. 2

View the full list of projects in your area

These improvements include upgrading and making our streets and various utilities compliant with current codes, as well as making the overall neighborhood aesthetically pleasing.