• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Facilities Management

The Facilities Management Division is responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the Cityโ€™s assets, including 103 municipal buildings, the Lincoln Road District, 39 bridges, 15 monuments, 23 fountains, 4 Special Taxing Districts (Normandy Shores, Biscayne Point, Allison Island, and Biscayne Beach), the holiday lighting program, over 6 miles of pedestrian areas along the beaches and beachwalk, and 38 lifeguard stands. The division collaborates with other departments and divisions, including Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Greenspace Management, to deliver quality services.


The operations structure mirrored is in line with the Facilities Zone Management model. Facility Zone Managers serve as a single point of contact for the assets in their assigned area to maximize safe, efficient, and cost-effective operations. Their role encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure the functionality and safety of the built environment.

Facility Zone Management

Public Safety

Includes four fire stations, MBPD Police main headquarters and the North substation. 


is comprised of over 10 parking garages and the maintenance of City-owned parking lots. 


Includes the maintenance and care of beach assets inclusive of 36 lifeguard towers and 7 miles of beach. 

Auxiliary Services

Is comprised of four special taxing districts, citywide graffiti details, pest control and holiday lighting implementation. 

Community Center

Is comprised of shared responsibilities with Parks and Recreation to manage and maintain recreation centers such as Scott Rakow and NSYC.

City Center

is comprised of the RDA, City Hall and adjacent facilities. This area is also responsible for Lincoln Road. 

The geographic distribution is as follows:

  • Zone 01 (City Center): City Center/ Lincoln Road and cultural sites.
  • Zone 02 (Community Center): Recreation, Parks, and community facilities.
  • Zone 03 (Public Safety): Fire stations, Police main headquarters and substations.
  • Zone 04 (Parking): Parking Garages and City lots.
  • Zone 05 (Beach): Government cut to 87th Terrace (Beach and Beachwalk).
  • Zone 06 (Auxiliary Services): Four Special Taxing Districts, holiday lighting implementation, and other services.

Additional Resources


Tyron Bain
Financial Analyst II
305.673.7000 x.22917

Martin Calcano
Facilities Capital Projects Coordinator
305.673.7000 x.23815

Jose Catasus
Field Inspections Supervisor
305.673.7000 x.22990

Faustino Fernandez Blanco
Facilities Zone Manager - Parking
305.673.7000 x.22904

Frank Garcia
Division Director Facilities Management
305.673.7000 x.22126

Stephany Gonzales
Administrative Services Manager
305.673.7000 x.26051

Jorge Guanchez
Facilities Capital Projects Coordinator
305.673.7000 x.22918

Jenny Hernandez
Business Manager
305.673.7000 x.26188

Javier Llanes
Facilities Zone Manager - Public Safety
305.673.7000 x.22980

Tatiana Lopes
Financial Analyst I
305.673.7000 x.26337

Alfredo Mojena-Hernandez
Financial Analyst I
305.673.7000 x.22203

Giacomo Natteri
Admin Officer โ€“ Auxiliary Services / Special Taxing Districts
305.673.7000 x.22970

John Ripple
Beach Maintenance Director
305.673.7000 x.22635

Olga Sanchez
Senior Facilities Capital Projects Coordinator
305.673.7000 x.22567

Elvis Santana
Facilities Zone Manager - Recreation/Community Centers
305.673.7000 x.22978

Santiago Sellan
Contracts Compliance Administrator
305.673.7000 x.22124

Kenneth Soler
Facilities Zone Manager - City Center / RDA

305.673.7000 x.26443

Jorge Vargas
Facilities Capital Projects Coordinator
305.673.7000 x.22634

Office Information

Elizabeth Miro

Interim Director