The Miami Beach Police Department is committed to providing excellent customer service to our community. We strive to go above and beyond to support our citizens with a variety of tips, services and programs, a few of which are outlined below.
Miami Beach Police Department Public Comment Portal
The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the Miami Beach Police Department with information to support continuous improvement and to foster the pursuit of professional law enforcement excellence.
The purpose of this Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) public comment portal is to receive comment s regarding the Miami Beach Police Departmentโs compliance with CALEA standards, the Departmentโs engagement in the community, delivery of public safety services and overall candidacy for reaccreditation status. These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns.
The public may use the following Public Comment Portal for the Miami Beach Police Department Accreditation Public Comment Portal (
Portal para comentarios del pรบblico del Departamento de Policรญa de Miami Beach
La intenciรณn general del proceso de acreditaciรณn es proporcionar al Departamento de Policรญa de Miami Beach informaciรณn para apoyar el mejoramiento continuo y fomentar la bรบsqueda de la excelencia profesional en la aplicaciรณn de la ley.
El propรณsito de este portal para comentarios del pรบblico de la Comisiรณn de Acreditaciรณn para Agencias de Aplicaciรณn de la Ley (CALEA, Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) es recibir comentarios sobre el cumplimiento del Departamento de Policรญa de Miami Beach con los estรกndares de CALEA, el compromiso del Departamento con la comunidad, la prestaciรณn de servicios de seguridad pรบblica y la candidatura general para el estado de reacreditaciรณn. Estos comentarios pueden ser en forma de cumplidos o de inquietudes.
El pรบblico puede usar el siguiente Portal para comentarios del pรบblico del Departamento de Policรญa de Miami Beach Accreditation Public Comment Portal (
The MBPD Crime Analysis Unit
Established in 2004, the Miami Beach Crime Analysis Unit is currently composed of four certified crime analysts and a professional unit manager. The seasoned analysts are each assigned to one of the four areas of the City and come from a wide array of professional law enforcement backgrounds with specialized skill sets and expertise. From real time investigative and operational support, to financial and cell phone analysis, to predictive and link analysis, to international network and social media analysis. The MBPD CAU works hand-in-hand with officers and command staff, performing every type of intellectual and statistical evaluation as well as some of the organizationโs professional, record-keeping, and statistical tasks.
The CAU also networks with Fusion Centers and law enforcement agencies state and nationwide to identify and analyze regional and national crime trends.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Miami Beach Police Department Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) is to provide timely, accurate, and quality information to meet the tactical, strategic, and operational needs of the organization. The CAU crime analysts strive to increase the apprehension of offenders by supporting the investigative needs of its sworn and professional personnel. The unit identifies evolving and emerging criminal activity to include offenders, patterns, series, and trends. The analysts are additionally responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of relevant data to appropriate personnel and agencies in support of crime reduction and community safety.
What is Crime Analysis?
Crime analysis is the evaluation of data and intelligence related to crime and social harm. Crime and intelligence analysts use systematic methods to identify and analyze patterns and trends in criminal activities which allows law enforcement officers to establish focused and proactive responses to crime. They provide the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of crime as well as the So What and the Now What.
To learn more about the Crime Analysis Unit, email Unit Manager Cilia Maria Ruiz-Paz.
The MBPD CAU is a proud member of :
This Letter provides authorization to officers of the Miami Beach Police
Department to enforce sections 810.08 and 810.09, Florida State Statutes.
Officers are hereby authorized to enforce the above-listed statutes and to warn
and direct persons to leave in the case of a threat to public safety or welfare.
*WARNING: Please do not use this form to report an emergency which would require an immediate response. If your issue is an emergency, please call 911 immediately!
This resource in provided for you to anonymously report crime or criminal behavior.
Please use the form below to send information about a crime or highly suspicious activity. While you may remain anonymous, we ask that you be as specific as possible regarding dates, times, and locations of crime activities, and any additional information you believe will help police investigate the situation.
NOTICE: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to the City of Miami Beach.
How may we contact you?
(Note: all contact information is optional).
Public Records Awareness
Information we receive may be considered public information which is subject to disclosure under Florida law.
Observing Criminal Court Hearings on Zoom
This resource is provided by the City for interested residents to follow the progress of criminal cases charged through the courts.
Here are the instructions to get court hearing and other information about prosecutions of Miami Beach crimes.
First, look up the individual defendant, his or her criminal case number, and judicial section assigned to the case on the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts website. You can locate the individual defendantโs case information at this link:
Miami-Dade County Clerk Criminal Justice (
At this link, click on โCase Searchโ and locate the case by entering the defendantโs name and/or case number in the appropriate field(s). Please note that if you search by defendant name, you may draw several results if the defendant has prior arrests in Miami-Dade County. If you do draw multiple cases, you will need to review each result to find the particular case you are interested in.
After you have found the correct case, make a note of the judicial section that the defendant is assigned to. That section will stay the same throughout the defendantโs prosecution, though the judge assigned to each section may rotate one or more times during the case. You will also be able to view the docket for the case, which will inform you of a timeline of events in the case that have already occurred and/or are scheduled to occur in the future, including court hearing dates, trials, and sentencings.
Once you know the defendantโs name, judicial section, docket, and court dates, you can view scheduled court hearings by clicking on the Zoom link for the judicial section hearing the case. Each judicial section has a unique Zoom link that stays the same for all hearings in that judicial section. Click the link titled Virtual Courtroom Directory ( This directory will provide a Zoom link for each judicial section where you will be able to view court proceedings. Please keep in mind that multiple defendants are usually scheduled for hearings at the same time, so you may have to wait an extended period for a particular defendant to be called.
Honorable. Professional. Resilient. These are the core values of the Miami Beach Police Department. If you would like to recognize an officer who has performed their duties in a manner you feel was exceptional, please complete the form below. We ask that you be as detailed as possible when completing this form as it will be shared with the officerโs supervisor and be made a permanent part of the officerโs file.
This form may also be used to recognize the exceptional efforts of the departmentโs civilian employees.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to recognize the hardworking men and women of the Miami Beach Police Department.
You may request a public record or a copy of a police report online, by email, telephone, in writing or in person.
To request a public record using our online portal, please click here
To request a public record via e-mail, please send a detailed request to
To request public records via telephone, please call the Police Records Unit at 305.673.7990.
To request public records by mail, please send your request to:Miami Beach Police Department
Records Unit
Attention: Public Records Request
1100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
In Person:
To request public records in person, please visit our Records Unit located at the Miami Beach Police Department, 1100 Washington Avenue in Miami Beach. Reports may be requested Tuesday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Traffic Crash Report: $0.20 per page
Case Report: $0.15 per page
Good Conduct Certificate for the City of Miami Beach: $10.00
CD/DVD: $5.00
Crime Scene Photographs: $26.62 + $5.00 for any additional CDโs
USB Flash Drive: $10.00
The City of Miami Beach does not offer background checks. Please visit for information on how to obtain a background check.
MBPD Public Information Office
Sergeant Shantell Mitchell
Officer Christopher Bess
O: 305.673.7383
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For the quickest response, please click here.
The Miami Beach Police Departmentโs Public Information Office acts in compliance with federal and state public records laws and in the best interest of the department, media, residents and visitors of the City of Miami Beach. Media inquiries and records requests are handled in a timely manner during normal business hours.
Office Hours:
Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
After hours and on weekends, a Public Information Officer (PIO) is on-call for emergencies and significant breaking news events. After hours, the on-call PIO will generally not have information regarding routine police cases. In addition, on-call PIO's are not available to provide updated information about previous cases, or details regarding incidents that are primarily being handled by other agencies.
The Records Section provides fingerprinting for non-criminal purposes including; pre-employment and handgun permit applications. We do not offer fingerprinting services for immigration or alcohol licenses. This service is available Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to noon. There is a $10.00 charge for this service. We do not provide fingerprinting cards. Fingerprinting cards should be provided by the organization requesting that you get fingerprinting done.
The Records Unit is located on the first floor of the Miami Beach Police Department at 1100 Washington Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida. You must bring your own fingerprint card and the fee is $10.00 per card.
MBPD Internal Affairs
225 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please use the form below to send a complaint to the Internal Affairs Unit. While you may remain anonymous, we ask that you be as specific as you can about dates, times, location of the incident, and all information that you feel is important for investigators to know.
(Note: all contact information is optional.)
*WARNING: Please do not use this form to report issues of an emergency nature or for conditions requiring an immediate response. If your issue is an emergency, please use the telephone and dial 911.
To ensure the publicโs trust and maintain the Miami Beach Police Departmentโs integrity, the Internal Affairs Unit conducts immediate, objective, and thorough investigations of all allegations of employee misconduct involving department employees.
All complaints both anonymous and named will be accepted and impartially investigated. Prior to the closure of a complaint the case is reviewed and finalized by a command level officer.
All complaints are confidential and are not subject to public disclosure until the investigation is no longer active or until the agency head or his designee provides written notice to the officer who is the subject of the complaint that the agency has concluded the investigations with a finding as per Section 112.533 (2)(a), F.S.
NOTICE: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to the City of Miami Beach. Download the Quick Reference Guide (below) for other options on how to file a complaint.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. You can reach the office by email: or by calling: 305.673.7823 or
To meet the unique needs of our community, the Miami Beach Police Department offers hourly police services for private entities. Four separate off-duty options are available:
Temporary Off-Duty Details- short-term, non-repetitive, which usually occur on short notice. Cancellation of an off-duty detail must be received by the Off-Duty Unit at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the detail.
Permanent Off-Duty Details-repetitive, involving the same employer. Requests for permanent off-duty services are made by completing a "Permanent Off-Duty Police Service Application" which can be obtained by contacting the Off-Duty Unit.
Special Event Off-Duty Details-infrequent, one-time, or annual events, which require a City permit, may involve large numbers of people, and the use of City property, streets, and/or parks. A Special Event detail requires a permit, which is coordinated with the Cultural Arts and Tourism Department. Please contact this office FIRST by email: or by calling: 305.673.7577.
Still Photography/Film requests for off-duty services
Still photography/Film employers requesting off-duty services must have a valid permit on-site, issued by the City's Film and Print Office: or by calling: 305.673.7577.
For more information or to request off-duty employment, contact the Off-Duty Unit by email:, or by telephone: 305.673.7823.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (excluding holidays). If calling after hours, please leave a message.
The Miami Beach Police Departmentโs Individuals with Special Needs Program better protects individuals with autism spectrum disability (ASD) and other special needs by collecting key information that can be crucial to safely locate them if missing. Through the voluntary registry, special details including actions and circumstances that could provoke a patient are made available to police officers and first responders prior to responding to a scene, allowing them to ensure a positive and fear-free interaction.
Click Here for the Individuals with Special Needs Registry Form
If you are a home owner or renter you may want to request that the Miami Beach Police Department is included as the first point of contact for notification once the alarms is activated. This will help reduce the patrol officerโs response time and may aid in crime prevention.
Do I have to register my burglar alarm with the City?
Yes. All burglar alarms must be registered with the Police Department. Contact PMAM at (877) 503-6817 to obtain a registration form, or click on the link below provided. Please note there is an initial $10.00 registration fee. Alarm Registrations are Renewed annually for $10.
What about false alarms?
The City of Miami Beach Alarms Ordinance honors three free false alarms per fiscal year - January 1st โ December 31. The fine for the fourth false alarm is $50.00. The fine for subsequent false alarms is $100.00 each. You can get a copy of the City alarm ordinance at
PMAM is responsible for administering the Cityโs False Alarm Program. Alarm registrations and false alarm penalty payments are processed by PMAM.
The False Alarm Ordinance regulates all burglar alarms within the City. If you have a burglar alarm in your home you must comply with this ordinance.
For additional information, please contact PMAM at 877-503-6811.
What if I move or my business relocates or closes?
As soon as possible, notify PMAM of the effective date of the change and include all details pertaining to the move. False alarms will remain the responsibility of the locationโs last known owner/operator.
For any questions about alarms, please contact the PMAM at (877) 503-6811.
Click here to download a Miami Beach Police Alarm Application*
Please print this form, fill it out, and mail it to:
City of Miami Beach
False Alarm Reduction Program
P.O Box 142165, Irving TX 75014
FAX: 972-831-7499
*You will need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents.
Are you considering a home or business alarm system? You may want to refer to the list below to help evaluate the business and products that best meet your needs.
Is the company a local business? If so, how long have they been operating in your area?
Is the company a member of any local business organization?
Does the company have a background check requirement for staff that may have access to your property?
Does the company offer 24-hour service in case of false alarms?
Will the company work with you to get reduced insurance premiums if you install one of their systems?
Is there a warranty or maintenance contract for the system?
Is the system electrically operated or battery operated? If electrical, does it switch automatically to battery power without activating the alarm in the event of a power failure?
If the alarm system is activated, will it automatically shut off after a reasonable alert period of time?
After the system is activated, will it automatically reset if triggered again?
If the control switch or box is exposed, will it activate the alert if triggered?
If it is a hardwire system (wires connecting to sensor to control to alert), are the wires protected from unnecessary exposure to the elements?
If it is a local system (audible to the immediate area), does it ring loud enough to attract the attention of your neighbors?
If the system is for a commercial premise, will the company have someone respond to assist the police?
Does the system have a time delay to activate and deactivate the alarm without setting off the alert?
If the system is monitored by a central station, it is a tape recording or live person? (In some municipalities, the call for assistance to the police cannot be made by a taped message.)
Remember, you can always check the local Consumer Affairs Office or Better Business Bureau to learn more!
In an effort to reduce false alarms within the City of Miami Beach, the city updated its alarm ordinance and partnered with PMAM Corporation to implement and administer the Alarm Program and provide educational training for our citizens. PMAM is a national company with expertise in this area, and will be responsible for our alarm registration, false alarm billing features and share in providing excellent customer service. The first step in implementation is to contact all the installation and monitoring companies operating in the City of Miami Beach and establish a complete list of people who have monitored alarms in the City. Once an alarm customer base is established, PMAM will reach out to each alarm user to assist them in registering their alarm system. A website has been established to assist the City of Miami Beach []
City of Miami Beach residents and business operators may receive letters from their alarm monitoring companies regarding the updated ordinance, which was revised and modernized to address the increasing number of false alarms resulting from operator and alarm company errors. The goal of the ordinance is to reduce the number of false alarm activations requiring a response by the Miami Beach Police Department. This will directly free up police resources and reduce the fines levied on alarm customers.
Even the most responsible alarm owners will occasionally cause false alarm activations, approximately once every 18 months and this ordinance has built-in provisions to ensure three free false alarm responses per customer during the permit year. City of Miami Beach residents and business owners are encouraged to test their alarms regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. These tests should be performed in conjunction with your alarm company. Safety First, Fall 2018
Who manages the False Alarm Reduction Program?
The Police False Alarm Reduction Program is managed by the Miami Beach Police Department - Police Records Section. The MBPD contracted with PMAM Corporation to assist with the administration of the program.
Who is required to have an alarm permit registration?
Anyone operating an alarm system, whether monitored or local, is required to obtain an alarm permit. A separate alarm registration is required for each alarm site having a distinct address or business. Alarm systems not required to obtain a registration include those installed on an auto vehicle, on oneโs person, or an alarm system that will not emit a signal (either audible or visible) from the outside of the building or residence but is designed solely to alert the occupants of a building or residence.
How do I register my alarm?
The Burglar Alarm Systems ordinance requires alarm/monitoring companies to register and collect the permit fee of newly installed alarm systems. New alarm systems are required to have a valid alarm permit prior to activation. Alarm permits are valid for one year. In coordination with their alarm/monitoring company, the alarm user also has the option to register and simultaneously pay online at Both the permit registration application and payment have to be received together to process an alarm userโs registration.
What is the cost to register my alarm system?
Alarm Permit Cost/Renewal Fees are:
- Residential - $10
- Commercial - $10
The $ 10.00 renewal fee will he waived for all alarm users who have had no false intrusion alarms during the past 12 months.
How do I renew my registration?
After the first year of service and each year thereafter, the alarm user will receive an invoice to renew the alarm permit fee from PMAM Corporation (MBPD contracted alarm administrator). No refund of a new permit or renewal permit fee will be made.
What are the service fee amounts for false alarms?
Alarm users are responsible for paying service fees when police respond to false alarms at their alarm site, and the fees are:
False Alarm Fees
- 1st False Alarm โ No Charge
- 2nd False Alarm โ No Charge
- 3rd False Alarm โ No Charge
- 4th False Alarm - $50.00
- 5th False Alarm - $100.00
- 6th False Alarm - $200.00
7 or more false alarms within the permit year will result in a $200.00 fine for each police response. Permit holders will not be charged more than $200.00 within a 24-hour period.
To avoid general false alarm fees associated with registered alarms, immediately contact your monitoring company to cancel the false alarm by requesting that police not be dispatched to your site.
All fees can be paid via the False Alarm Reduction Program website: (
Fees can also be paid by mail by making your check payable to:
City of Miami Beach False Alarm Reduction Program
P.O. Box 142165
Irving, Texas 75014
Can my alarm company cancel a burglar/panic alarm that they have called into the 911 Communications Center?
Yes, your alarm company can cancel general false alarm calls, but normally not panic or manually activated calls. You should explicitly request that your monitoring company cancel police dispatch. You will not be charged for false alarms if the cancellation notice is received prior to the officerโs arrival at the alarm site. Only your alarm company can cancel an alarm burglar/intrusion call. The alarm user should not directly call 911 to cancel a false alarm call.
If my alarm company contacts me while I am away from my home or business to let me know that my alarm is activated, am I required to respond as well?
Yes, an alarm user is responsible for providing the Police Department with access to the structure or premises so that the alarm may be verified. Access may be granted by the alarm user or designated responder. The alarm user should give their monitoring company at least three (3) trusted contact names and phone numbers who can meet with the police in their absence.
Where do funds collected from the False Alarm Reduction Program go?
Funds generated from the program are used to cover the costs to administer the program and to recover some of the costs associated with police officers' response to false alarms.
How is my alarm company involved in this matter?
Your alarm company plays a very important role in helping to reduce false alarms. They are there to assist you with any questions you may have about your alarm system's operation and its maintenance. The alarm user is responsible for knowing how to operate their alarm system, its maintenance, and ensuring that it is adequately located. To prevent having any false alarms, check with your alarm company for suggestions on how to avoid the most common alarm user errors.
Why was PMAM Corporation contracted to administer the alarm program?
PMAM was selected and contracted through a request for proposals process. It is a national professional service company that provides a comprehensive service to exclusively administer alarm programs for other cities nationwide. It is rarely cost-effective for a community to create and maintain its own system of tracking and billing false alarm violations, suspensions, and reinstatements, as it requires new computer software and hiring and training additional administrative staff.
PMAM leverages its expertise, systems, people, and processes to administer false alarm programs for many jurisdictions, thus spreading the infrastructure cost to make it affordable to all communities. PMAM also provides all necessary software, online alarm users training, and online access for alarm users, alarm companies, and City officials.
What is the effective date for the ordinance and how is it used for appeals?
The City of Miami Beach Commission passed the Burglar Alarm Systems ordinance on April 2, 1997, and the ordinance became effective on the same date. The ordinance is used as the basis to judge an appeal that can be made by an alarm user who wants to have his case or false alarm fee assessed.
What is the appeals process?
An alarm system permit holder/user who receives a false alarm notice/invoice and believes that it was improperly issued, may appeal it in writing to the City of Miami Beach Special Master within 10 days of its receipt.
Where can I read or obtain a copy of the ordinance?
The alarm ordinance is posted online at or call 1-877-503-6811.
Where can I learn more about the ordinance and how to reduce false alarms?
Customers can sign up at for free online alarm training (15-20 minute classes). Everyone who will use your alarm system is encouraged to take the training.
Who can I call if I have additional questions or comments?
Customers can call PMAM Corporation at 1-877-503-6811, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. โ 4:00 p.m. (PST).
The City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Police Department are committed to the safety of all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/ Questioning (LGBTQ) residents and visitors.
Click here
The following are a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which citizens direct to the Miami Beach Police Department and Public Safety Communications Unit..
Q. How soon are you going to get an Officer here?
A. Calls are rated by priority and arrival time depends on the seriousness of the call and the number of patrol units available. Every call has a pre-programmed priority when it is routed to the dispatcher and the priority can be increased if additional information warrants it.
Q. How do I obtain a restraining order?
A. The law offers protection for victims of acts of domestic violence. Victims have the right to petition that an injunction be filed against the person inflicting the violence. An injunction orders a person to do specific things or to stop doing specific things.
For more information on how to obtain a restraining order click here. A. Restraining orders may be obtained in person at any of the following Domestic Violence Outreach Units:
Hialeah District Court
11 E. 6 Street
Hialeah, FL 33010
Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center
175 NW 1 Avenue, Mezzanine Floor
Miami, FL 33128
North Dade Justice Center
15555 Biscayne Boulevard
North Miami Beach, FL 33160
South Dade Government Center
10710 SW 211 Street, Room 1100
Miami, FL 33189
Q. What do I have to do to evict a tenant?
A. The laws pertaining to residential tenancies are contained in Chapter 83 of the Florida State Statutes. The chapter sets forth the requirements a landlord must meet in order to legally evict a tenant.
For more information on how to proceed with an eviction please click here.
Q. Why do you take auto burglaries over the phone instead of sending an officer?
A. If there are any mitigating factors (in progress, just occurred, description of subject, etc.) we will send an officer. Otherwise, the call is referred to our Report Control Center where personnel will assist you with all necessary and appropriate information.
Q. How can I get a copy of my report?
A. You can come to the Records Unit, located on the first floor of the police station and if the report is available you can get a copy immediately. Copies of reports are 15 cents for a single page and 20 cents for double-sided pages. Most reports run two pages. You can also request a report in writing and enclose a check. Send the letter to the Miami Beach Police Department, 1100 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, Fl., 33139, ATTN: Records Unit. Delivery time is five to ten days.
Q. What are the hours of operation for the MBPD Records Section?
A. Our hours are Tuesday through Thursday 08:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday thru Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The Police Department does not issue ID cards.
Q. I was involved in an accident and left the scene. Can I still make a report?
A. If you were involved in an accident and left the scene, the other party involved may have already made a report. If you are in the City of Miami Beach, contact 305.673.7900 and a police officer will respond to investigate. You may also call 305.673.7888 (the accident investigation office) during business hours and speak with an investigator. You may be asked for information to help complete the accident investigation. If no report was made, you will be given instructions on how to obtain and prepare a "driver's report" for your insurance company.
Q. How can I get a copy of a 911 call?
A. You can get a copy of a 9-1-1 call by contacting the Records Section at 305.673.7100 (business) or 305.673.7879 (fax) for further information. The charge is $5.00 per recording.
Q. How can I get a copy of any other media (CCTV video, photos)?
A. To request copies of other media (CCTV, video, photos) please contact the Records Section at 305.673.7100 (business) or 305.673.7879 (fax) for further information.
Q. Does the Police Department provide a fingerprinting service for the public?
A. Yes. Every Tuesday thru Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the public can be fingerprinted in the Records Unit, located on the first floor of the police station. The fee is $10.00 per card and you must bring your own fingerprint card. We do not provide fingerprinting for Immigration or Alcohol and Tobacco purposes.
Q. Are you hiring Police Officers?
A. We are always interested in quality men and women! Please visit our website for more information by clicking here or call us to speak with a recruitment specialist at 305.673.7909.
Q. I will be out of town for a week. Will the Police watch my home?
A Yes, if you will be away from home for an extended period of time we will gladly place a watch order on your home. Please call the Operations Division at 305.673.7933 to schedule the watch order. Keep in mind this is a courtesy watch order and is intended as an additional layer of security.
Q. Do I have to wait 24 hours before making a Missing Persons call?
A. . Not necessarily. If the victim is a juvenile or endangered in some way, we will take the call immediately. If the victim is an adult and suspicious circumstances do not exist, we recommend that you wait 24 hours. Please call our non-emergency line at 305.673.7900.
Q. What is the "noise" policy?
A. Noise complaints are handled by to the Code Compliance office. They serve as the first responder to loud music complaints coming from business establishments. When Code Compliance officers are not on duty, the Miami Beach Police Department will respond to the call based on the priority of calls at the time.
To report noise violations please dial 305.604.CITY.
Q. How long do you hold prisoners in your detention facility?
A. The Miami Beach Police Department has a temporary holding facility for prisoners prior to their transport to a Miami-Dade County jail location. Depending on capacity and officer availability, prisoners may spend up to six hours in the Miami Beach facility. Prisoners cannot be bailed out of the Miami Beach detention facility.
Q: I will be out of town for a week. Will the Police watch my home?
A: Yes, if you will be away from home for an extended period of time we will gladly place a watch order on your home for up to fourteen days. Please click here to request a watch order through our online reporting system. Keep in mind this is a courtesy service and is intended as an additional layer of security.