• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Carl Fisher Clubhouse Restoration

The restoration will include new air conditioning, electrical power, fire alarm, lighting and plumbing systems using historically sensitive methods. Exterior improvements include fine grading, landscape, FPL conduit installation, irrigation and walkways, as well as the installation of site furnishings. This shall be done meeting the U.S. Department of the Interior, Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. The project limits will extend approximately 10 feet west of the westernmost wall of the Carl
Fisher building to Washington Avenue on the east, and from the northern edges of the walkway on the north to the northern edges of the walkways on south side.


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Department Lead

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Department Director

David Martinez, P.E

Senior Capital Improvement Project Coordinator

Ariel Guitian

Capital Improvement Project Coordinator

Pilar Caurin Tortajada

South Beach Neighborhood Affairs Manager

Lauren Firtel


Critical Path Construction
