• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


The City of Miami Beach has approved a Prekindergarten Scholarship Program for the 2025-2026 school year.  The CITY will provide a scholarship, in an amount of up to $3,000.00 per school year, to cover up to an additional 450 instructional hours representing up to 2.5 hours per day for 180 days, payable, on a reimbursable basis.  Program instructional hours may only be applied toward programming occurring during the regular school hours for PreK Scholarship Program.

Applications will be accepted between September 9, 2024 through December 2, 2024. The lottery will be held on Friday, December 6, 2024.

Families who live in the City of Miami Beach and who have a child(ren) who is 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025, or has a birthday that falls between February 2, 2020 to September 1, 2021. One Parent/Guardian must be a resident of the City of Miami Beach upon submission of the application and throughout the 2025-2026 school year.



For questions, please email education@miamibeachfl.gov


WHO is eligible for the PreK stipend:

Families who live in the City of Miami Beach and who have a child (ren) who is 4 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025 or has a birthday that falls between February 2, 2020 to September 1, 2021. One Parent/Guardian must be a resident of the City of Miami Beach upon submission of the application and throughout the 2025-2026 school year. To receive the PreK Scholarship, the child must be enrolled in Prekindergarten during the 2025-2026 school year for scholarship receipt.

Program funding is limited, not all persons on the lottery waitlist will be contacted. Staff will contact applicants in the order of selection by a computerized lottery process which will establish a numerical order of service until all funds are exhausted. Results from the lottery will be posted on the Cityโ€™s website including my family name, confirmation number, and lottery number.

Required Documentation:

Proof of City of Miami Beach Residency โ€“ At least one (1) document from the list of primary source documents and one (1) document from the list of secondary sources of documents, listed below, shall be required:

Primary Sources of Proof of Residency (At least 1):

  • Valid Photo ID issued by local state (Driverโ€™s license)
  • Valid Photo ID issued by federal agency (Passport)

Secondary Sources of Proof of Residency: (One (1) of the following monthly bill/statement with the resident's name and address that has been mailed within the last 30 days):

  • Utility bill (FPL, phone, gas, cable)
  • Cell phone bill
  • Bank statement
  • Credit card statement
  • Vehicle insurance bill
  • Mortgage statement
  • Property tax statement (last one received)
  • Voter registration

Note: Internet/Electronic bills are not acceptable proof of domicile.

Proof of Child's Age โ€“ At least one (1) of the following documents will be required:

  • an original or certified copy of the childโ€™s birth record filed according to law with the appropriate public officer;
  • an original or certified copy of the childโ€™s certificate of baptism or other religious record of the childโ€™s birth, accompanied by a notarized affidavit stating that the certificate is true and correct, sworn to or affirmed by the childโ€™s parent;
  • an insurance policy on the childโ€™s life which has been in force for at least two years;
  • a passport or certificate of the childโ€™s arrival in the United States;
  • an immunization record signed by a public health officer or licensed practicing physician; or
  • a valid military dependent identification card or a federal or state government issued identification card.


Who is Eligible to be a PreK Provider?

To be eligible to deliver the CMB PreK Program services, Provider must be a traditional public school; or one of the following private PK Education Program providers:  (1) a child care facility, licensed under Section 402.305, Florida Statutes; a family day care home licensed under Section 402.313, Florida Statutes; a licensed large family child care licensed under Section 402.313, Florida Statutes, a non-public school exempt from licensure under Section 402.3025(2); or a faith-based child care provider exempt from licensure under Section 402.316, Florida Statutes.

The CITY is responsible for determining the eligibility of the Provider to participate in the CMB Program.  The CITY will provide confirmation of eligibility via e-mail from the CITYโ€™s Chief Education Officer.

The CITY will provide a stipend to cover up to an additional 450 instructional hours.  The Program Instructional Hours may not serve to supplant, or duplicate funding provided by Third Party Funders which is received by the participants.  The Program Instructional Hours may serve to provide additional PreK Education Program hours, beyond those funded through Third Party Funders, or may serve as a stand-alone stipend.

Payment Rate: Provider will be entitled to receive payment for eligible Program Instructional Hours of service provided during the Term, to be paid at Providerโ€™s regular rate or $6.66 per hour, whichever is less, for up to 2.5 hours per day for 180 days, not to exceed $3,000 per applicable school year per participant child beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.  Any discounts based on income or other Provider offerings available to the eligible participant will decrease the amount due from the CITY, as applicable.