• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

ocean drive art deco buildings

Miami Beach TV

Miami Beach TV (MBTV) is a government access cable television station. Its purpose is to provide Miami Beach residents with direct, non-editorial information about governmental deliberations, services, community activities, and to provide other programs for informational and educational purposes.

  • City Commission boards and Committee Meetings are being held via Zoom aired on MBTV, and live-streamed on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach.
  • For public hearings, members of the public can participate using either the Zoom app on their smartphone or computer or by telephone using a dial-in number.
  • Members of the public wishing to speak on an item during the meeting, must click the โ€œraise handโ€ icon if using the Zoom app or press *9 on the telephone to โ€œraise handโ€.