The City receives potable water from the mainland by means of four (4) transmission mains from the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) system. One (1) of the transmission mains that supplies water to the City is located along the Venetian Causeway. Water enters the Venetian Islands from the MDWASD system as one (1) 30-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) water main that splits into two (2) parallel 16-inch water mains at each bridge crossing. These parallel mains travel mostly aerially along the Venetian bridges on each bridge’s north and south faces, except they are subaqueous beneath the drawbridge between Rivo Alto Island and Belle Isle.
The work includes the complete replacement of the two (2) 16 inch. water mains bridge-aerial crossings from San Marco to Rivo Alto Island and the 16-inch and the 20-inch bridge-aerial crossings from Belle Isle to Miami Beach, along the Venetian Causeway. The scope includes replacing the existing 8-inch sewer force main bridge-aerial crossings from San Marino to Rivo Alto Islands.
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