• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000
Tourism & Culture Menu


The City of Miami Beach welcomes you and your production to our unique backdrop. Miami Beachโ€™s history has always been tied to film and fashion, from the Rat Pack to Jackie Gleason to Miami Vice to the fashion industry, and the Tourism and Culture Department is committed to providing a helpful and positive experience throughout the duration of every Film and Print production through the Special Events and Film Division.

The Division is responsible for coordinating and permitting all film, video, photography, and other media uses when utilizing public or residential areas of Miami Beach. Our mission is to ensure the growth and stability of all facets of the entertainment production industry in Miami Beach while balancing the needs of the residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

All commercial film, television, video, online media, radio, drone filming and photography and photography projects (hereafter referred to as "Productions") must obtain a Film & Print permit from the City of Miami Beach (hereafter referred to as "City").

Film & Print permits are primarily issued for public property and private residential properties on Miami Beach. Most production activities taking place within private commercially zoned property (like hotels, restaurants, stores, and nightclubs) will not require permitting. A Film & Print permit can be requested in support of productions that may have filming or photography inside a private commercial property for the purpose of renting meters for the production and equipment vehicles parking or for picture, use of off-duty police or fire staffing for stunt or pyro work that requires smoke detectors and fire alarms to be temporarily disarmed, or for taking advantage of special City rates for crew parking.

Another instance where the production may pull a Film and Print permit for filming on private commercial property is when the property does not yet have a Certificate of Occupancy, or temporary sets need to be constructed inside that do not meet building code regulations. In these cases, the permit shall be available for inspection at the site on which the production is to occur. Cafรฉ areas that are a concession on public property will need both approval from the private business and a Film & Print permit.

Productions including single cameramen utilizing a film or video camera, hand-held or with a tripod only, with no assistants, crew or models, who do not assert exclusive use of City property are exempt from obtaining a Film & Print Permit. News teams under the โ€œbreaking newsโ€ waiver do not need a Film and Print permit when covering breaking news does not allow time to request a permit. Produced pieces, even for news, require a film permit in accordance with the required timelines per Film & Print permit.

Productions completely contained within private commercial property do not additionally need to pull a permit with the City, since the activity taking place within commercial property is a private agreement between the property owner or management and the Production. Under such circumstances, they will not be authorized to request any reserved metered parking or reserved garage spaces.

The city has the following minimum requirements for all Film and Print applications:

Valid certificate of insurance for a minimum of one million US dollars (or currency equivalent) in general liability coverage, naming the City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 as additional insured and certificate holder.

Completed Indemnity Agreement that has been signed and sealed (notary seal or corporate seal), click here to download the Indemnity Agreement form

Requests should be received at least two (2) business days prior to the start of production for city wide requests, three (3) business days prior to the start of production in commercial districts and five (5) working days prior to the start of production in residential areas of Miami Beach, unless additional time is required due to the nature of the request. Expedited requests can be accommodated, but all the deliverable elements are the same.

Locations for Film & Print permits are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis, regardless of the size or scope of the production. Please note that the more complex the production is, the more time will be required to secure the permit. Road closures and use of residential property take approximately one week or (7 business days). Citywide requests for first time applicants take about two (2) days on average, faster or slower depending on how long it takes the applicant to submit the requested documents. Please give your team at least 2 business for hiring a police officer (more during peak times) and at least 3 business for reserving meters.

Stunts and explosions need coordination with several other departments. and take a minimum of 1 week (7 business days), more during peak times. The Film & Print Office makes every effort to accommodate all reasonable requests that do not meet the above noted minimum time frames.

City Wide

These permits are used primarily for B-roll, host stand-ups, news and travel packages, reality shows, and photography, they allow for small film or photo teams of twelve (12) people or less with handheld equipment that can be quickly and easily transported (drones not included), to film or shoot on Miami Beach streets, sidewalks, City beaches and parks without an officer present. (Please note that some Parks have set rental fees for the use of football or baseball fields, track, tennis or basketball courts, etc.).

Productions using a Citywide permit cannot block pedestrian or vehicular traffic or impact private businesses or concessionaires, without prior permission. Equipment allowed includes camera, tripod, reflectors and battery-operated lights. No generators, grip equipment or cabling allowed with a Citywide permit as those elements would require an off-duty officer present.

No drone shots or driving shots or use of a picture car. Citywide permits can be requested for up to one (1) month (30 days maximum) at a time as long as the insurance and indemnity on file is current. Citywide permits for photo and for ENG teams (video) have a few distinctions as follows:

Extended Citywide (Photography ONLY)

Extended Citywide permits are issued for photography productions with teams larger than 12 members. In those cases, the Production needs to hire an off-duty officer. Photography teams generally need the flexibility to move locations and are generally less impactful than ENG teams even if they have more crew members.

Parking arrangements for RVs in meters and on the beach (with an officer escort and vehicle beach access passes) can be made for photography Citywide permits through the Film & Print Office and with coordination of the Parking Department. Generally, ENG teams (video) using Citywide permits do not require reserved parking, except when using a satellite truck.

ENG teams larger than 12 people will need an officer and usually need a location specific permit which may require notification to affected businesses, accommodations for production parking or other additional coordination, and would no longer be within the bounds of a Citywide permit.

Site Specific Filming

If the production requires support from other city services departments, additional supporting documents are required, including the following in order to process your request:

  • Detailed description of the activities and access for each requested location.
  • A diagram or site plan of the specific area(s) requested, indicating any large props, set buildout, or support tent placement, generator, cabling, right of way restrictions, etc.
  • A detailed timeline to include load in and load out times.
  • Vehicle Beach Access requests (if applicable)
  • For drone operation, please refer to our UAS/Drone Film & Print Permit requirements and FAA โ€“ UAS Filming Request Form.

PD escort will be required for all site-specific permits, please include staffing requests in your application.

If applicable, parking must be reserved with a minimum of 48 hours prior to the production start

Notification / signoffs to the affected businesses must be completed with a minimum of 24 hours prior to the production start. In cases where the production has a large footprint, contact

For generator use, please provide:

  • Specification of the make/model/wattage of generator that will be used,โ€ฏtype and amount of fuel on set, and location of extra fuel storage including distance from generator. Please note, having a fire extinguisher on-site will be required for all approved generator use.
  • Aerial view of the proposed generator placement and cabling route (please indicate in your site plan/ diagram).
  • Safety details (For example โ€“ are the exhaust gases at a safe distance from the public, keeping a safe distance from trees, enclosed locations, dunes on the beach), and how the generator cables will be secured from the public for walking or electrical hazards. Please note, any cables crossing a public Right of Way (vehicular or pedestrian) must be covered with ADA compliant cable covers.
  • Provide information on how your production plans to keep the public from accessing the generator (distance, tape runs, fencing, etc)
  • If placing the generator on or adjacent to soil, grass, or sand, please include details on how the ground will be protected from fuel spillover.
  • Please indicate what the generator will be powering (lights, camera equipment, cooking setups, etc.)

News Media

Professional journalists collecting, photographing, recording, or reporting "news" as defined in section 90.5015 of the Florida Statutes are exempt from obtaining a permit, otherwise known as the โ€œBreaking Newsโ€ exemption. Any produced pieces that do not fall under the โ€œBreaking Newsโ€ umbrella and includes uses that require City coordination, inclusive of vehicles accessing authorized areas requiring prior written authorization for access (e.g., beach and park areas) must request a Film & Print permit.


Students must comply with all permitting requirements. Students are to apply under their schoolโ€™s name and will be asked for their institutionโ€™s insurance if an active certificate of insurance is not already on file. To tie them into the schoolโ€™s insurance, they must provide a copy of their valid student identification, and a copy of their course schedule with the class they are doing the film project for highlighted. Schools and government institutions are exempt from the Indemnity Agreement requirement.

Upon receipt of the completed permit application or written request, the Film & Print Office will determine which City services will be required. The city will determine minimum staffing levels appropriate for proposed Productions. Because no two production requests are the same, requirements may vary for each Production. In addition, each Productionโ€™s requests for City services will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The following is a general list of frequently required services. The Film & Print Office reserves the right to require additional City Services and/or monetary deposits not listed below.


Approval of the Ocean Rescue Chief is required to shoot around the Ocean Rescue Headquarters at 10th Street and South Pointe Park. Use of active on- duty lifeguard stands is generally not allowed for life safety reasons with few exceptions. Lifeguard stands may be used as a backdrop as long as the Production does not enter the coned-off safety perimeter around the active stand or impede the lifeguardโ€™s line of vision in anyway. Water activities and stunts will require the presence of off-duty Miami Beach Ocean Rescue lifeguard(s). Generally, if cast and/or crew is in the water above knee level they will need an off-duty lifeguard present.


For some productions (generally the more impactful ones on grassy areas, or ones in the same location for several days) a refundable deposit can be required for filming on public property. The amount of the deposit is at the discretion of the Film & Print Office, but no less than $5000 and commensurate with the potential costs of City Services needed to restore any damage caused by the Production. The Production will receive an invoice for City Services but in many cases, the Production may contract their own vendor to complete the restoration work up to City Standards. The deposit on file will be refunded once the work is completed and paid for (if done by the city). The deposit will be kept by the city if the Production fails to restore the area, and the Production will not be able to obtain future permits until the resulting work to restore the permitted area is reimbursed.


When a Production requests the use of fire and pyrotechnics, or will be performing stunts (crashes, jumps, falls) that are considered life threatening or dangerous, or when a production needs to temporarily disable fire prevention devices in any facility, a Fire Permit needs to be issued by the Fire Department. Most times the Fire Permit is requested by the stunt director and will be an auxiliary permit to your Film & Print Permit. In most instances, the presence of offduty Miami Beach Fire personnel will be required. The Fire Department will also require a life safety review to be done when generators exceed the required threshold. An administration fee may be incurred for the review services.


Off-duty police are required on any Film or Print production if the total number of people in the production is over twelve, or for any Production in which the proposed activity is deemed by the Film & Print Office or the Miami Beach Police Department to present a potential hazard or inconvenience to the general public, like โ€œCandid Cameraโ€ type shows that involve the public, or use of a recognizable celebrity that may cause a crowd or security concerns. Oversized props can also be a hazard to the general public. Off-duty police officers are required for all

Authorized Access uses, for any street and lane reductions or closures or any activity that could be mistaken as a public danger, inclusive of stunt work, simulated fighting, simulated gunfire, use of any prop weapons or actors in a prop police uniform or vehicle. An officer is also required when any grip equipment or drone is being used even if the crew size is less than twelve.

The Police Off-Duty Film Coordinator determines the minimum number of off-duty police personnel that will be required for proposed filming and is responsible for the billing and collection of all related fees. Police Off-Duty Film Coordinators are used in larger or more impactful shoots. Requests for staffing are made to the Police Off-Duty Film Coordinator or the Off-Duty Office after a Film & Print Permit has been requested. The Film & Print Office gives all the necessary contact information and guidance once a Film & Print permit request is submitted. Requests for off-duty police personnel should be received no less than two business days prior to the production date (more during peak times) to ensure the request can be filled. Off-duty officers will be required for most residential neighborhood filming as discussed in the Residential Neighborhood Filming section of these regulations. Low Impact Residential Productions, as defined herein, may be exempt from obtaining an off-duty officer. Off-duty police's first priority will be to address public safety related activities, as well as providing security needs as they relate to the Production.

Off-duty officers working on a Production are empowered to ensure that pre- approved site plans, traffic plans and/or Film & Print permit are being followed as specified in the permit. Officers may determine on-site modifications to the permit when public safety is an issue, and the Film & Print Office needs to be notified immediately. Any other changes made to the issued permit on-site should be done directly with the Film & Print Office, who are available by phone or and email during off-hours.

Permittees are encouraged to disclose foreseeable labor management disputes and other controversial issues as relative to their project as it may affect the City's ability to provide police services.

Requests for off-duty police must be received by the Off-Duty Office a minimum of two business days prior to the date of requested service. The Off-Duty Office may grant exceptions, based on their discretion.

Any approved off-duty request that is cancelled by the Production with a minimum of twentyfour (24) hoursโ€™ notice, will be fully refunded. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the officer is scheduled to arrive will result in the Production being responsible for the four (4) hour minimum for each off-duty officer scheduled, plus the appropriate administrative charges. In the case of Special Events that already have staffing and would like to add a film/photography/drone etc. component to the event, the film component will be independently reviewed and staffed by the off-duty film coordinator to ensure compliance with policy and procedures. Off-duty staffing requests must include the load-in, production and load-out times.


The Film & Print Office will contact the Sanitation Department when the relocation or removal of dumpsters and trash receptacles is necessary or when the proposed production activity interferes with regular trash collection. Please note that any Production that is found illegally dumping waste will be fined. In addition, any Production leaving debris or trash behind at any production location will be billed for the time, labor and equipment used by the Sanitation Department to clean-up the area. The Production should take all their garbage with them when they wrap the set each day.

As part of the Temporary Structure Sanitation Plan, the following to be included: The production shall be responsible for removing all litter and shall be responsible for removing all refuse and waste generated by their operation. All litter, refuse, and waste shall be removed from City property for proper disposal at their expense. The City shall charge for the costs of special clean up necessary should the applicant fail to reasonably perform.

Any security deposit collected will be retained to cover repair costs for damages to various public property amenities such as municipal buildings, bridges, monuments, ornamental water fountains, swimming pools, beach walks, parks, lifeguard stands, parking lots, and parking garages. If a permit is issued for activities on public property and damage occurs, the Facilities Management Department will assist with quantifying the damage. They will then oversee the scheduling and management of necessary repair work through vendors approved by the city.

Production applying for a film and print permit to shoot on the beach will undergo a review to determine if sand sifting services are necessary both before and after the equipment load-out. They are required to provide proof of sand sifting confirmation to the Film Office at least five (5) days before the scheduled shoot. This is to ensure that the beach area is maintained in a clean and presentable condition before and after filming activities take place.


A Film & Print permit is not necessary if the production does a rental directly with the enclosed and managed venue. The production will only need a permit if they have elements outside on public property, the rental is in a city park, or the Production needs to secure meters for production parking or picture.


All permit applicants must contact the management of these facilities to obtain approval and/or pay any applicable fees for the use of these facilities prior to any permits being issued. Golf Courses and tennis centers are not included as part of the "City-Wide" permit and are not considered City parks in terms of permitting. The rental of Golf Courses and tennis centers is up to the discretion of the facility, as they review possible conflicts with their operations.


Productions operating beyond a Citywide permit, may require reserved parking arrangements in order to get essential equipment as close as possible to set for logistical reasons. A completed and successful parking plan is necessary before most permits can be issued since production vehicles must have a place to โ€œliveโ€ for the duration of the shoot. City street meters can be reserved for production and picture vehicles or cleared for picture (when spaces need to be clear for a scene). Crew and personal vehicles cannot be parked in reserved street meters. Personal vehicles can park in private garages, non-reserved metered spaces (with the meter paid) or in pre-paid crew parking spaces in most Miami Beach owned garages at a set production rate, through a Film & Print Permit and by arrangement with the Parking Dept.

Before submitting a request to reserve meters, Productions are encouraged to review production parking plans with the Film & Print Office to receive suggestions of where to park, as it can become challenging during high-peak seasons. All reserved production parking, including crew parking at City-owned garages, must be done as part of a Film & Print permit, even if the Production is only filming within private commercial property. All production parking requests require the approval of the Film Office before an order can be processed by the Parking Dept. Parking meter requests must be submitted to the Parking Department at least 48 hours in advance to allow time for the meter order to be processed and paid, for the โ€œNo Parkingโ€ signs to be installed, and also allow for the 12 hour minimum grace period for any parked cars to clear out of the reserved spaces without a violation. Any production vehicles or crew vehicles not legally parked will be subject to traffic and parking violations, including towing, as appropriate, just like any other vehicle not associated with the Production. A Film & Print Permit does not allow for illegal parking.

When requesting meters along or in front of a business or a residence, Productions must notify the business or residence using the Notification Form found online at Forms, Guides & Resources - City of Miami Beach (miamibeachfl.gov). A copy of the completed Notification Form and a list of all the businesses and residents that were notified must be submitted to the Film & Print Office before any meter requests can be approved. Notification is to be done by the Production no less than 48 hours in advance to give proper notice. Productions are encouraged to park large trucks along a garage, parking lot, or empty storefront whenever possible, to minimize disturbance to businesses and parking availability to the public. 


The Parks and Recreation Department must be contacted when the applicant requests the rental or reserved use of a park facility such as amphitheaters, basketball, handball & tennis courts, baseball, football & soccer fields, pools, etc. Approval and/or payment of all applicable rental fees must be made prior to the issuance of the Film & Print permit. The Film & Print Office can direct you to the appropriate person for the approval or rental. All park rules must be adhered to, including no smoking, no balloons, no alcohol, etc.


Vehicle Access Policy โ€“ If needed, for logistical reasons only, to place Production Vehicles on the beach, in parks or other authorized-access-only areas, a request may be submitted with the Film & Print Office. Only production vehicles deemed necessary will be allowed access providing that all production vehicles entering and exiting the beach or park must have a Vehicle Access Pass displayed and an off-duty officer escort present at all times. Vehicles must travel with the radio off and both the driver side and passenger side windows down and drive no more than five (5) miles per hour, with the lights on. Vehicles must park in the area pre-approved by the Film & Print Office and written on the issued passes, and not block the emergency access lane on the hard packed sand on the beach east and west of dunes at any time. All restrictions are on the back of the physical pass. The city is very dedicated to public safety and is sensitive to vehicles driving in areas that are also open to pedestrians. If the area requested has a dedicated concessionaire, you will need signature approval from the concessionaire to park in that area.

Vehicle Access Passes have a fee, adjusted annually as necessary based on CPI (with the first pass each day provided free of cost as a production incentive) with a purchase maximum of ten (10) Vehicle Access Passes and require an off-duty escort at the productionโ€™s expense for the duration of the use of the pass. Any amount exceeding the maximum will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the productionโ€™s scale and impact on the cityโ€™s resources. Vehicle Access Passes are issued once an off-duty officer has been confirmed. As another production incentive, during the off-season, from June 1 through September 30, the first Vehicle Beach Access Pass is free of cost, and each additional pass is charged at half the price. The off-duty requirement remains the same.

Below are the Vehicle Beach Pass restrictions listed on the back of each issued pass for your reference. Please make sure each of the drivers review the restrictions before entering the authorized-vehicle-only area:

  • All operating vehicles on the beach, park or other authorized use area shall follow the procedures listed herein:
  • Due care and caution will be utilized at all times while driving any vehicle on the beach, park or other authorized use area.
  • All vehicles on the beach, park or other authorized use area shall enter and depart the area at the nearest authorized access point to the call.
  • Prior to entering the beach, park or other authorized use area, vehicle headlights and overhead flashing lights (if equipped) or flashers will be turned on.
  • Drivers must turn off radios and roll down both the passenger and driver's side front windows of their vehicle while operating a vehicle on the beach, park or other authorized use area.
  • Maximum speed allowed on the beach, park or other authorized use area is five (5) MPH.
  • Vehicles, SUVs, and trucks are prohibited from driving on the soft sand where hard pack sand exists.
  • Vehicles, SUVs, and trucks shall stay west of the garbage cans on the hard pack sand at all times.
  • Do not drive over hills or berms (dunes) or near objects that may obstruct your view.
  • As a precaution and situational awareness for safety, if you stop and exit your vehicle, walk completely around the vehicle prior to reentering your vehicle and moving it.
  • Traffic cones (orange, 18" high) must be placed at the front and rear of vehicles when parked on the beach, park, or other authorized use area.
  • Use of a cellular phone or walkie talkies while the vehicle is in motion is prohibited.
  • Personal vehicles are prohibited on the beach, park, or other authorized use area at any time.

These procedures are to be complied with at all times by anyone operating a vehicle on the beach, park or other authorized use area. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in immediate revocation of the vehicle access pass and the Film & Print permit and termination of production.

The City of Miami Beach has jurisdictional authority for all aerial filming that occurs from ground level to 1,000 feet above ground. This includes all waterways, bridges, beaches and any other area that is within the boundaries of the city. A letter of authorization from the City Manager is required for any helicopter landings on Miami Beach prior to the issuance of the Film & Print permit. A complete request package must be submitted no later than four working days prior to the production date. As part of a piloted helicopter/ low-flight request for aerial filming over the City of Miami Beach and below 1,000 feet, a production must request a Film & Print permit and submit the following: Pilotโ€™s license and insurance and the Pilotโ€™s FAA low-fly waiver.

For drones aka Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) requests for aerial filming over the City of Miami Beach (in which filming occurs below 1000 feet utilizing a UAS weighing 55 pounds or less,) the Production must follow all requirements of the FAAโ€™s UAS Rule (currently Part 107 but may be further amended by the FAA) and must obtain a Film & Print permit for โ€œMiami Beach Aerials,โ€ which details the proposed date, time, location and flight pattern, to secure this permit the Production needs to submit the following:

  • Proof of insurance from the operating company/ UAS owner.
  • Proof of pilotโ€™s license or airman certification with a small UAS rating or remote pilot certificate (per FAA requirements) for pilot or pilot supervisor to be on site.
  • FAA approved UAS registration (14 CFR part 47 or part 48) and FAA approved documentation detailing the weight and condition for safe operation of the aircraft to be used for requested activities.
  • Requests for Film & Print permits for โ€œMiami Beach Aerialsโ€ utilizing a UAS are subject to the following FAA restrictions:
  • UAS flight operation must take place only during daylight hours, defined as from 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes prior to sunset.
  • UAS flight operation must remain lower than 400 feet above ground level.
  • UAS flight speed must remain lower than 87 knots (100 mph).
  • UAS operator must maintain unaided (except by corrective lenses) visual line of site with the aircraft at all times; and
  • UAS operation is prohibited over the general public at all times and must be only within an area contained and populated solely by the productionโ€™s cast and crew, with production fully indemnifying the City of Miami Beach for such use.

UAS requests are not part of โ€œCitywideโ€ Film & Print permits and Productions will be required to obtain a minimum of one off-duty Miami Beach Police or Ocean Rescue staffing depending on the site plan and the use. The number of officers needed depends on the amount of pedestrian and vehicular control requested and approved.

Drone shows have the same requirements as drone filming with a longer review period of 45 days as it is an ancillary permit to a Special Event Permit (master). Drone shows will also require independent PD staffing and vehicle beach access passes.

Certain sidewalks, travel lanes, and/or streets within the City of Miami Beach may be approved by the City Manager to be temporarily closed to restrict or prohibit vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic prior to, during, and/or after a Production. Depending upon the location of the Production and the associated closures, additional approvals may be required from the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) or the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), as appropriate, depending on which agency has jurisdiction over the roadway. Regardless of the agency with jurisdiction over the roadway, the Cityโ€™s Transportation and Mobility Department Director, Public Works Department Director, and Chief of Police shall approve any closure of a sidewalk, travel lane, or street in the City, with final approval subject to the City Managerโ€™s Discretion.

Because the permit needs to be coordinated with several different departments, street or lane closure permit requests should be made no less than two weeks prior to the production date. Should approvals be required from an outside agency, requests must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to production date. In addition to the submission of an MOT plan, the production must survey the directly affected businesses and residents using the Signature Survey Form found online at Forms, Guides & Resources โ€“ City of Miami Beach (miamibeachfl.gov), and secure signature approval from a minimum of 75% of the directly affected properties that abut the closure. Based on the location and use, the Film & Print Office will identify which properties, if any, are to be additionally notified. The Production must submit all the collected Signature Survey Forms along with a map of approvals and objections (Production can use Google Earth or hand draw) within the affected area. All meters within the closure must be reserved through the Miami Beach Parking Department by the Production.

Signage to direct cast and crew or any other production elements is permitted only by specific Film & Print permitted use and must be removed immediately upon completion of permitted activity. Any costs incurred by the City for removal and disposal of abandoned signage will be forwarded to the permittee and must be satisfied before any further permits can be issued.

All Productions that require any amount of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic control during takes, must request approval from the Film & Print Office through the permitting process. Traffic control, both pedestrian and vehicular, is to be coordinated by off-duty officers only in accordance with the permit, since only off- duty officers can hold traffic (as opposed to crew members or private security). The number of off-duty officers needed depends on the traffic control requested.

Productions will be asked to secure signature approval from any business or residence directly affected by traffic control, to be submitted to the Film & Print Office as part of the permitting process. Productions in need of driving shots can include it in their location request on the Film & Print permit application. Driving Shots that require a process trailer, Russian arm, any car-to-car shots, car mounts and/or any traffic control, require an off-duty police escort or a coordinated traffic bubble, with off- duty officers in the front and the back of the procession. Each driving shot request is evaluated to determine staffing levels and safety. The Production also must secure a safe area to pull over and re-rig and stage. This could be done through a meter rental or using private lots by private arrangement. Each road has specific restrictions and may require additional permits in accordance with County or State law. Use of State roads also require a permit from the Florida Department of Transportation. 

The only allowable commercial use of Residential properties in Miami Beach is for Film or Print work (including drone aerials) through a Film & Print permit. Permits for residential private property are issued in Miami Beach in an effort to maintain the quality of life of residents while also allowing the Film & Print industry to use all the types of locations they need to be successful. Film & Print permits are required in all types of residential properties in Miami Beach, including single family homes, multi-residential condo/apartments and common areas within condo/apartment buildings such as the lobby or pool area, as per City Code.

Production uses of a residential property that must be permitted includes filming or shooting stills, parking, set- dressing and prep, catering and extras holding, and all load-in and load-out. Productions that choose to do these activities in a residential property or residential street without a Film & Print permit are subject to a code zoning violation (a citation) to be issued to the Production company and/or the homeowner. Detailed below are the standard logistical requirements for productions of all sizes that request a Film & Print permit in residential location(s). No two productions are the same and the Film & Print Office may require productions to meet additional requirements depending on the nature and scope of a Production.

Productions that require just the notification of neighbors can do so up to 48 hours in advance of the Production start date. If the Production need to collect neighborโ€™s signatures using the signature survey form are strongly encouraged to begin obtaining signatures at least one week in advance, since that process may take a few days and needs to be completed and turned into the Film & Print Office at least 48 hours in advance of the Production start date. Both the notification form and the signature survey form can be found online at Forms, Guides & Resources - City of Miami Beach (miamibeachfl.gov). Please fill out and use the forms provided by the city, and not your own form. All Forms must be reviewed by the Film & Print Office before they are distributed, or signatures collected. Please see below to review which level of permitting you will need.

Any resident of the City of Miami Beach wishing to host a permitted Production in a single family home, condominium or apartment by a third party (e.g., production company, location service company, etc.) must sign an owner affidavit, found on the City's website, acknowledging they have read and understand the Film & Print Guidelines, specifically as it pertains to residential production; agrees to follow the City's Film & Print Guidelines and City Code; and also acknowledges the residence will not knowingly be used for other commercial purposes, or for short term rentals as defined in the City Code. Such affidavits may only be signed by the property owner or his/her legally authorized representative.


Homeowner Affidavits are to be collected and submitted by the Production during the permitting process. The Production needs to submit a signed affidavit to include the homeownerโ€™s contact number and email for all homes being used as part of their shoot, inclusive of additional rented driveways for overflow production parking or homes used for catering and extras holding.

These homes are referred to as Support Houses as opposed to Picture Houses which is where the actual filming or print shoot takes place. Both picture and support houses need to be included in the Notification Form or Signature Survey Form distributed and also included in the Film & Print Permit application, since both will be permitted. Click here to download Ownerโ€™s Affidavit Form.


Low Impact Residential Production use is defined as a small team (twelve people or less in total) with minimal equipment (must be easily and quickly transported) to film or shoot stills entirely within a Miami Beach single family or multi-residential property within the standard Residential Filming hours outlined below. Equipment allowed includes camera, tripod, reflectors and battery-operated lights. Generators and grip equipment are not allowed. One motorhome and up to two (2) vans are allowed, and they must fit inside the permitted private property, but no other commercial class vehicles are allowed, such as grip or lighting trucks. The use of the street or swale for parking or other production purposes is not allowed. Notification can be made up to 48 hours in advance and an officer is not required.

Standard Residential Production use is defined as any Production that requires more than twelve total people and/ or requires the use of generators or grip equipment and/or commercial class vehicles beyond a motorhome or needs to use support houses and within the standard Residential Filming hours outlined below. No use of the street or swale for parking or other production purposes allowed. Notification must be made at least 48 hours in advance and an officer needs to be hired.

If a Production needs to go beyond what is allowed for a Standard Residential Production, such as filming beyond Residential Filming Hours, having stunts, or pyro, simulated gunfire, or other special effects, or needing a road closure, lane reduction, or traffic control, then the production will have to get direct approval from affected neighbors using the Signature Survey Form, as outlined below.


Notification to affected neighborhood(s) is required for residential Production uses during Residential Filming Hours, defined as 7am to 10pm weekdays and 8am to 10pm weekends and holidays. *NOTE: Times denote from the start of load-in to the end of load out for all production activity (headlights in and taillights out). Mandatory notification to the affected neighborhood should occur no less than 48 hours prior to commencement of any residential production use, including arrival of any product related vehicles and/or personnel on site for Standard Residential Film & Print Use and no less than 24 hours prior to commencement of any residential Production use or arrival of any Production-related vehicles and/or personnel on site for Low Impact Residential Film & Print Use.

Notification forms must be distributed to all affected areas in a neighborhood. For purposes of the regulations, the affected neighborhood shall be determined by the Film and Print Office for Standard Residential Film and Print use, notification must be provided to residents within a minimum of 200 feet from any Production activity including Support house used. For Low Impact Residential Film and Print use, notification must be provided to all abutting residents. Some locations may require additional areas of notice.

For Production activity within a multi-dwelling unit, signature approval will be needed from the property owner, manager or condo association, whichever is appropriate, using the Signature Survey Form. Management of the building will then be responsible for notifying their residents via email or notices in common areas as they see fit. Productions may also choose to notify all the residents of the building themselves using the Notification Form, as well as any affected surrounding properties.

In certain instances, a Production may be required to obtain signatures from the impacted area during normal production hours (see the Signature Survey Forms section of these guidelines).

Applicants are required to provide notice by all reasonable means available, including, but not limited to, e-mail, fax, hand-delivery, mail or any other traceable delivery service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, courier service or certified mail).

Applicants are required to provide documentation of all notices, a list of addresses notified will suffice.


The Film and Print Office retains jurisdiction and discretion to issue or deny permits in residential areas based on the applicable laws and regulations. In an attempt to preserve the residentsโ€™ quality of life, the City uses Signature Survey Forms to survey neighbors for their approval, for those Production uses that go beyond regular Residential Filming hours, defined as 7am to 10pm weekdays and 8am to 10pm weekends and holidays, or is otherwise impactful, as described below. Unlike the Notification requirement, the neighbors do have the right to object to the Production use of a residential property when signature approvals are required from impacted residents.

  • Signature approval from affected neighborhood residents will be required for residential production activity between the hours of 10pm and 7am weekdays and 10pm and 8am weekends and holidays. *NOTE: Times denote headlights in and taillights out for production activity.
  • Production requests for residential properties part of a Homeowners Associations (HOA) must be presented to the HOA for approval, prior to obtaining necessary Signature Survey Forms.
  • Production requests for residential properties for one (1) to ten (10) consecutive days of Production activity within a 30-day period:
    • Production must provide the City with Signature approval from abutting properties. Some locations may require additional areas of notice.
  • Production requests for residential properties in excess of ten (10) consecutive production days, regardless of type of activity:
    • Production must obtain the 90% signature approval within 200 feet of the Picture House and any Support House(s) being used for the duration, as well as signature approval from the abutting properties before coming before the Internal Review Board.
  • Production requests in excess for residential properties of ten (10) total days of Production activity within a 30-day period must provide the City with Signature approvals from impacted residents as follows:
    • For Standard Residential Film & Print Uses, signature approval must be obtained from residents within 200 feet from any production activity and/or equipment parking.
    • For Low Impact Residential Film & Print Uses, signature approval must be obtained from all the abutting properties (any property that shares a property line with the house used for Production activity). Some locations may require additional areas of notice.
  • Production requests for residential properties in excess of ten (10) total days of production activity within a 30-day period, or for extended hours between 10pm and 1am:
    • Signature approval from 60% of affected residents within the 200 feet radius must be obtained by the Production, as well as signature approval from all the abutting properties.
  • Production requests for residential properties in excess of sixty (60) days of production within any twelve (12) month period will require:
    • Additional review by an Internal Review Board assembled by the City Manager or his/ her designee (usually the Film & Print Office) to review the request and set conditions for approval.
    • Requests for review must obtain 90% signature approval within 200 feet of the residential property hosting Production activity (Picture House), as well as signature approval from the abutting properties before coming before the Internal Review Board.
  • Production requests for residential properties for extended hours between 1am and 7am:
    • Signature approval from 75% of affected residents must be obtained by the Production, as well as signature approval from all the abutting properties.


Signature approval for residential production during normal Residential Filming Hours will also be required in the case of exceptional Production activities (e.g., simulated gunfire and bullet hits, fire effects, and controlled explosions, stunt car crashes, aerial filming, etc.), or high-impact Productions (e.g., Productions requiring road closures and traffic control, use of several homes in the same area) as determined by the Film & Print Office based on an assessment of impact to surrounding neighborhood, and/or any situation in which the activities may present a public safety concern.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, with regard to any property which is located, in whole or in part, within 500 feet of a hospital that is open for business, there shall be no more than five (5) days of Production activity at that property in any thirty (30) day period. For purposes of the above, the distance shall be the shortest distance between the property lot line and the hospital lot line, as measured by a straight line. A property shall be deemed to be inside the radius if any portion of its lot line is within 500 feet of any portion of a hospital lot line.

The collected Signature Survey Forms must be submitted to the Film & Print Office before a permit may be issued, and they are to include the resident's signature, printed name, and address.

For Production activity within a single-dwelling home, where multi-dwelling units are affected (like duplexes and town homes), signature approval will be accepted from the property owner, manager, or condo association, whichever is appropriate, or can be obtained from each individual unit owner or tenant. Signature approval from individuals in multi-dwellings units must meet the same minimum percentages as outlined above.

For production use within a multi-dwelling unit, signature approval must be obtained from all affected individual unit owners/tenants, as well as any affected surrounding properties within 200 feet. Signature approval from individuals in multi-dwelling units must meet the same minimum percentages as outlined above.

A map of the area surveyed with approvals/objections annotated on it, created by the Production company (using Google Earth or similar or can be hand drawn) should be included with the original Signature Survey Forms upon electronic delivery to the Film & Print Office before the permit can be issued. This map should clearly identify pertinent streets by name & block (i.e. 700 block) indicate all addresses requiring signatures, and clearly show a site plan for all production activity including all essential equipment parking, road closures or lane reductions and any catering plans.

At those addresses for which signature approval is required, the map submitted should indicate: non-objections, objections, properties with no response after three (3) attempts and vacancies or construction sites by address. After the Production has made at least three (3) attempts to survey an address, they must document the times and dates of the attempts and then send the resident the Signature Survey Form via a traceable mail option (e.g. FedEx, UPS, courier service or certified mail) and submit proof of the mailing to the Film & Print Office along with the other executed Signature Survey Forms and the documented attempts.

Note: If any schedule changes occur after the distribution of original Notification Forms or collection of the Signature Survey Forms, then in both cases Productions can notify the affected area of any change of date using the Cityโ€™s Notification Form. At any time, the Film & Print Office reserves the right to require signature approvals as a condition of the permit if it deems the use is impactful enough or the neighborhood has special needs and requests.

If one of the abutting property owners or tenants' objects to the requested use, the production may file an appeal requesting that the Film & Print Office activate the City's Internal Review Board to review the Production's request. The Internal Review Board will have the authority, based on the guidelines, to approve the Production's request after considering all circumstances including the opinion of the abutting property owner. If all abutting property owners or tenants object to the requested use, the Production does NOT have the ability to appeal.

  • Signature approval of the abutting property owners must be obtained no later than forty eight (48) hours before the date of the film or print activity is scheduled to occur.
  • Signature approval of an abutting property owner shall not be required if the Applicant has provided notice to the property owner and the owner has failed to respond to the notice for a period of at least twenty-four (24) hours from the date and time that notice was provided. 
  • Applicants are required to obtain signature approval from all affected properties, including abutting properties, by all legal and reasonable means available, including but not limited to by e-mail, fax, hand-delivery, mail and any other traceable delivery service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, courier service or certified mail). Federal law does not permit distribution in mailboxes.
  • Applicants are required to provide documentation of all notices.


For the purposes described above, an Internal Review Board composed of representatives from the following City of Miami Beach departments will be convened: Police Department, Code Compliance, City Manager's Office, Film & Print Office, and the Parking Department. Other city Departments will be included in the Internal Review process as determined based on the scope & impact of a particular project (Parks and Recreation, Beach Patrol, Fire Department, Building Department etc.). A Board Member from the Production Industry Council and a member of the subject area's City-recognized neighborhood or homeowner's association will also be included on the Internal Review Board. If the area does not have a city-recognized neighborhood or homeowner's association, a member of the Planning Board may serve on the Internal Review Board.

When the activation of an Internal Review Board is required, the Film & Print Office shall organize the meeting. Recognizing the often-short timeline productions must work within, all efforts will be made to ensure the process is completed quickly and with full representation of all parties involved.

If the Internal Review Board is activated because an abutting property owner has declined to sign his/her approval, the Internal Review Board must consider the following criteria before determining whether to approve the production's request:

  • History of Code violations at the property.
  • Past history of the Production company or applicant.
  • Frequency of Film & Print Productions at the property.
  • Duration of the production.
  • Infrastructure and quality of life impacts (e.g. traffic interruptions).
  • Other impacts to adjacent property owners, including exceptional filming activities (e.g., simulated gunfire and bullet hits, fire effects and controlled explosions, stunt car crashes, aerial filming, etc.); and
  • Economic impact to the city (long-term, short-term, and indirect effects on profit and costs to local industries, including but not limited to hotels, restaurants, entertainment establishments, retail, and the city).

The Film & Print Office may determine that some locations require additional areas of notification.

Production may elect to attach an additional letter with further information relating to their shoot at their discretion.

If a Production is unable to use their permitted production day due to rain or inclement weather, the Production may request one additional day for each day lost if communicated to the Film & Print Office in a timely manner. Such requests must re-notify the area immediately but are not required to request signature approval again, if already obtained.


Production vehicles shall not enter a residential neighborhood before the time permitted time, and must park in approved areas one by one, turning off engines as soon as possible.

Residential Productions may only arrange for immediate location parking of essential production equipment. The parking of personal cast and crew vehicles and production vehicles on public streets is prohibited unless a lane or road closure permit is obtained. Parking on the City-owned swale (grassy area between the property line and the street) is prohibited. In most instances, arrangements should be made by the Production to legally park cast/crew vehicles in municipal or private garages and lots and shuttle personnel to the set.

Several areas in Miami Beach are restricted to Residential Permit parking only, Monday through Friday 6:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., and 24 hours Saturday and Sunday. Productions in these areas must make arrangements with the Film & Print Office and Parking Department to reserve parking for essential vehicles, through signature approval of affected residents and with police staffing to self-secure spaces overnight since there are no meter posts to reserve by the City in most residential areas with on street curb parking such as the Flamingo Park area and the North Beach area.


The City of Miami Beach Code of Conduct for Film & Print Productions should be reviewed by all crew members.


The City Manager or his/her designee has sole discretion to place a temporary moratorium on locations and neighborhoods that have experienced 'burn-out' as a result of previous high volume or large impact filming.


Permits shall be available for inspection on-site. Permits shall be presented on the request of any police officer or code compliance officer or employee of the Film & Print Office. A violation of these Film and Print Guidelines shall be considered a violation of the City Code, enforceable as provided herein. Persons engaged in a Film & Print Production without a permit, or otherwise in violation of the guidelines herein, shall be subject to enforcement by City police or Code Compliance officers, through the issuance of immediate cease and desist orders, the violation of which may subject the offender to the following immediate fines and/or partial or full default of security deposit:

  • First offense within a 12-month period - a fine of $500.00.
  • Second offense within a 12-month period - a fine of $1,500.00; and
  • Third offense within a 12-month period and subsequent offenses - a fine of $3,000.00.

Enforcement may include arrest for violation of Section 12-5 of the City Code, and/or enforcement as provided for in section 1-14 of this Code, and/or notices of violation referred to Special Masters, who have authority to issue fines or enforce compliance, as provided for in Chapter 30 of the City Code. Police or Code Compliance officers will coordinate enforcement with the Tourism and Culture Department. As an alternate and supplemental remedy, the City may enforce these Guidelines by injunctive relief in any court of competent jurisdiction and, in such circumstances, the City shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.

Violations of a Film & Print Permit: An issued Film & Print permit will have terms and conditions intended to be followed by the Production, unless specific arrangements are made only by the City Manager or his/her designee, in writing, after the permit is issued. Should such conditions and/or arrangements be violated by the Production, his or her vendors or participants, whether witnessed by City personnel or established by photographic or other evidence or testimony afterwards, the Production would be in violation of the Film & Print permit and be subject to enforcement proceedings as provided by City Code and/or these guidelines.

Except for violations for which no correction is possible (e.g. noise violation, production without a required permit, etc.), if the violation is observed by City staff during the active production, the Film & Print producer/permittee will be given a verbal warning and a time-certain opportunity (30 minutes or other time period as specified by the City Manager or designee) to correct the violation. Notwithstanding, the City retains discretion to proceed directly to the issuance of a notice of violation if the violation is egregious and/or violates conditions expressly provided for in the permit, or if a prior verbal warning for a violation of the Film & Print permit has already been provided. Multiple violations shall be treated as one instance when simultaneously observed. Examples of Film & Print permit violations may include, but are not limited, to the following: violation of the noise ordinance; violation of the issued film and print permit conditions and use, operating a special event under the guise of a Film and Print permit, unauthorized use of public space; use of unapproved and/ or unpermitted structures, generators or production elements with respect to Florida Building Code; improper utilization of the Vehicle Access Pass policy; violation of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Miami-Dade Environmental Resource Management (DERM) or Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) conditions; unauthorized use of branding, promotional activities or sampling; damaging public property; or inability to effect proper sanitation plan. Any commercial film or print activity that takes place without a Film & Print permit cannot by its nature be corrected and must be cited and shut down immediately.

Such fines are in addition to and separate from any violations issued by the City for noncompliance with other sections of the City Code. Imposition of fines shall be subject to appeal to the Special Master. The City reserves its rights to pursue alternate enforcement proceedings and penalties as provided for and allowed by law.

The following penalties shall be imposed in addition to any fines for violations specified above or of Section 12-5 of the City Code:

  • If the offense is the fourth offense within the preceding 12-month period of time, in addition to the fine, the property and/or Film & Print Production will be restricted from receiving a Film & Print permit for a three (3) month period of time.
  • If the offense is the fifth offense within six (6) months, in addition to any fine, the property and/or Film & Print producer or and/or permittee will be restricted from receiving a Film & Print permit for an additional six (6) months period of time. Furthermore, the property and/or the Film & Print Production shall be considered to be a habitual offender.

Notwithstanding the above, for repeat and/or habitual offenders, the City Manager may decline to issue future Film & Print permits to such person or entity for one year, or any other period as the City Manager deems appropriate.

Each violation shall constitute a separate offense for which a separate fine shall be imposed. An offense shall be deemed to have occurred on the date the violation occurred. Restrictions imposed pursuant to this section shall be imposed by City Administration after finding an offense warranting suspension or restriction has occurred.


Cast/crew may not trespass onto a neighbor's or merchant's property. All personnel should remain within the boundaries of the property that has been permitted for filming.

Residents should never be prevented from accessing their street, driveway, or home as a result of a film production except for brief periods when scenes are being shot.

Production shall make every effort to always maintain noise levels at a minimum. Vehicle engines and generators should be turned off as soon as possible, and generators placed away from windows. Crew shall refrain from unnecessary shouting and production radio volumes shall be conducive to effecting communication without being obtrusive to the surrounding neighborhood. If complaints of excessive noise levels occur, a representative of the Production shall attempt to identify, correct and/or modify the noise source.

Removing, trimming, or cutting vegetation and trees is prohibited, even on private property, unless approved by the Film & Print Office through coordination with the Parks and Recreation and Environmental and Sustainability Department. In most instances, a County and or State DEP tree trimming, or removal permit will be required.

Productions may not impede normal residential services such as garbage collection and street cleaning without securing prior City approval.

At no time may the Production disrupt regular mail service.

Arrangements for the removal of production-generated refuse are the sole responsibility of the production.

Site plans must be reviewed and approved by the Public Works ADA manager when cables are placed on public right of ways.

ADA compliant crossovers with ramp edges must be used to safely cover all cables placed on streets and sidewalks, and other pedestrian access ways.

When filming occurs where pedestrians who are not associated with the production will be present, proper wayfinding signage and barriers to cordon the space must be provided by the production company and off-duty officers shall be stationed throughout.

Catering may only occur in pre-approved areas and may not present any safety hazard or public nuisance or be set up in active parking lots.

All smoking refuse must be properly disposed of in marked 'butt-cans' or other specifically designated receptacles.

Cast/crew may not bring pets to location, unless part of the production, and noted by the Film & Print Office on the permit. Signs utilized for the direction of cast/crew must be identified by location in advance and removed immediately upon completion of permitted use.

Signs that are not removed promptly after production may be subject to a fine.


The Mayor and City Commission may adopt by resolution Film and Print regulations, and the City Manager or the Managerโ€™s designee will administer the regulations as they pertain to Film and Print productions working within the City. The Manager may authorize amendments to the regulations proposed by the administration and shall present such amendments to the City Commission for Approval by resolution.


Miami Beach is proud of its community's spirit of giving and cooperation. We invite production companies who film in Miami Beach to contribute leftover food and expendables to local nonprofit groups needing assistance. We appreciate any efforts you make to assist our community in better understanding the production process. The Film & Print Office will assist in facilitating appointments for members of your cast or crew to talk to students in local schools and meet with members of our community.

If a Production is capable of making lasting contributions to the community, the City would be happy to help facilitate these efforts.


Miami-Dade County Beach Maintenance must be contacted when the applicant requires the beach to be raked and cleaned prior to the regular scheduled maintenance or when the applicant's presence on the beach may interfere with the regular scheduled maintenance.


When filming driving shots, requesting a lane closure, or otherwise controlling traffic on State roadways (MacArthur Causeway, Arthur Godfrey Road, Julia Tuttle Causeway, Alton Road, Fifth Street, Collins Avenue north of 5th Street, Indian Creek Drive) that are within the City's boundaries, productions must additionally request a permit from FDOT (Florida Dept of Transportation). Use of City of Miami Beach Police Off-Duty personnel is mandatory in most cases.


Florida State regulations regarding Turtle Nesting Season are in effect each year from April through October on all coastal beaches in the State of Florida. Activities on the beach may be subject to additional conditions and State permitting and the Film & Print Office will advise when applicable.


(April 1st - October 31st) To report a disorientation or to speak to Miami-Dade Countyโ€™s Sea Turtle Team: 305- 310- 3046. To report an injured, dead, or harassed sea turtle: 888-404-FWCC (888-404-3922)


In some commercial areas the Production may need to contact a mercantile association when the applicant requires the use of any portion of a city block in such a manner that may interfere with daily business operations and/or pedestrian/vehicular rights-of-way. The Film & Print Office will advise when necessary.


Individual/Commercial property owners are contacted when the applicant requests the use of public property (e.g., sidewalk, curb, loading zone, parking meter, alleyway, park area, median, roadway, etc.) directly in front, behind, across or next to a specific parcel of non-public property and/or when the individual/commercial property will appear in the production. When an individual/commercial property will appear prominently in any production, written approval from the property may be required before a permit is issued. Confirmation from these agencies, associations and property owners must be obtained by the applicant and submitted during the permitting process as a deliverable, if directed by the Film & Print Office to do so.

Because no two requests are the same and due to the creative nature of the entertainment industry, it may be necessary to impose additional requirements for a Production. The best guideline is courtesy to the Miami Beach community. Proper planning and notifications are key to any successful production. Regardless of the size of the Production, all parties are encouraged to contact the Film & Print Office as soon as they know about any projects scheduled in the City of Miami Beach.

Office Info:

Tourism & Culture Department

Special Events and Film Division 

Cultural Affairs Division

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