Special Events Permit Conditions for Marine Turtle Protection
The following conditions are required for the protection of marine turtles during the marine turtle nesting season. The nesting season is March 1 โ October 31 in Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, and Broward counties, and is May 1 โ October 31 in all other coastal counties in Florida.
All structures proposed to be constructed in marine turtle nesting habitat and left out overnight shall have three (3) feet of vertical clearance beneath them, at least seven (7) feet of horizontal clearance between the supports where they meet the beach, and shall be located as far landward as possible. Any structures or materials not meeting these criteria must be removed by sundown each day. All staging and storage of event equipment and materials shall be off the beach.
The use of heavy equipment is prohibited, and the use of street vehicles to transport event equipment is prohibited except on beaches where public beach driving is allowed by local ordinance. A lightweight, ATV-type vehicle with 10 p.s.i. or less ground-to-tire pressure may be used for equipment transport if allowed by local ordinance. Use of vehicles shall be minimized, and restricted to event set-up and break-down.
a) All nesting surveys shall be conducted by qualified persons who hold a valid marine turtle permit issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 68E-1. No materials or equipment may be set up on the beach until the applicant has coordinated with the marine turtle permit holder.
b) It is the responsibility of the permittee to ensure that the project area and access sites are surveyed daily for marine turtle nesting activity and all nests occurring in the project area are marked for protection. The permittee must arrange for a Marine Turtle Permit Holder who is duly authorized to conduct activities on the beach through a valid permit issued by the FWC, pursuant to 68E-1, F.A.C., to conduct all nesting surveys and nest protection work and shall convey the following requirements to the Marine Turtle Permit Holder who has agreed to conduct nest marking for this activity.
c) Nest surveys shall be conducted daily between sunrise and 9 a.m. during marine turtle nesting season. No activity shall occur in any location prior to completion of the necessary marine turtle nest survey and protection measures.
d) Nests deposited within the event area shall be marked and left in place unless natural factors threaten the success of the nest. Any nests left in the event area shall be clearly marked. A circle with a radius of ten (10) feet, centered at the clutch, shall be marked by stake and survey tape or string. No activities shall enter this circle and no adjacent activities shall be allowed which might directly or indirectly disturb the area within the staked circle. During marine turtle hatching season (July 1 - October 31), no structures or materials which could impede the progress of turtle hatchlings may remain seaward of a nest overnight
NO LIGHTING associated with the event is authorized after 9:00 p.m. during the marine
turtle nesting season.
NO WATER from the structure or event area shall be allowed to run onto the beach
where it could impact adjacent sea turtle nests.
the marine turtle permit holder shall be notified immediately such that appropriate conservation measures can be taken. Within 24 hours of any such occurrence, a report of the incident shall be sent to the FWC Imperiled Species Management Section at MarineTurtle@myfwc.com.
No excavation of sand landward of the mean high water line is permitted. Any temporary minor disturbances in the sand (including ruts, depressions, holes, or mounds) shall be filled in and raked smooth with hand tools each evening.
Office Info:
Tourism & Culture Department
- Lissette Garcia Arrogante
LissetteArrogante@miamibeachfl.gov - Francys Vallecillo
Assistant Director
FrancysVallecillo@miamibeachfl.gov - Fernando Pestana
Administrative Services Manager
Ext: 26727
Special Events and Film Division
- Shama Johnson
Film & Print Liaison
Ext: 26374 - Cody Croye
Field Monitor
Ext: 26982 - Diana Bego
Special Events Associate
Ext: 26298 - Amber Dunn
Office Associate III
Ext: 27579
Cultural Affairs Division
- Gabriella Roman
Cultural Affairs Manager
Ext. 26256 - Oscar Rieveling
Art in Public Places Coordinator
Ext: 22711 - Sandra Schoenlank-Arian
Grants & Operations Administrator
Ext: 26618 - Gina Martins
Arts & Culture Projects Coordinator