• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000
Tourism & Culture Menu

City Department Resources

For off-duty Police services/staffing and fees, please contact Off Duty Office at 305.673.7823.

For off-duty Fire services/staffing and fees, please contact Charlton Price, Fire Special Events Coordinator at 786.276.2620 or email Firespecialevents@miamibeachfl.gov.

If your event needs to utilize on-street parking you must complete and submit a parking meter request form . Metered spaces are $25.00 per space per day plus a small administrative fee. If you are utilizing a Commercial Loading zone please disclose that to the Parking Dept, directly on the request form as additional fees may apply. Please contact at the Parking Department at 305-673-7505 or email Pkg_Meter_Rentals@miamibeachfl.gov.

If you are erecting a temporary structure such as tent, fencing, staging, trussing, electrical (generators), plumbing (restroom(s) units / port-o-lets), bleachers, pool covers, or other structures, you will be required to obtain a temporary structure permit from the Building Department.

Click here to visit the Building Department website

For off-duty Ocean Rescue, Lifeguard services, staffing and fees, please call 305.673.7714.

If you are encroaching or placing any a Crane or any other type of heavy machinery on the Public Right of Way including parks, streets and sidewalks, you must obtain a Right of Way permit from the Cityโ€™s Public Works Department 305.673.7080.

(overall event clean up, disposal of all trash, recycling, sand sifting, etc.): Please email Alfonso Ritchey at aritchey@miamibeachfl.gov or call 305.673.7616.

The City requires all events using any City of Miami Beach roadway and/ or impeding any sections of the right of way to submit a Management of Traffic (MOT) plan to our Transportation and Public Works Departments for review and approval. For questions please call 305.673.7514.

Office Info:

Tourism & Culture Department

Special Events and Film Division 

Cultural Affairs Division

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