• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


Tourism & Culture Menu

How To Apply

The Miami Beach Citywide Permit is the easiest most accessible way to film or shoot photography on our streets, beaches, and parks. Used widely by reality shows, news package teams, host stand-up, man-on-the-street interviews, fashion shoots, portrait photographers, and of course, b-roll.

Citywide permits are the only permits that do not require an officer escort, with some exemptions at the discretion of the Film & Print Office. Miami Beach Citywide permits allow for small teams (typically twelve or less people in total) with minimal equipment (must be easily and quickly transported) to film on Miami Beach streets, sidewalks, City beaches, and parks that do not require rental fees, assuming the production does not block pedestrian or vehicular traffic or impact private business or concessionaire without specific coordination. Equipment allowed includes a camera, tripod, reflectors, and battery-operated lights. No generators or cabling allowed. No reserved or authorized parking is permitted, including vehicles on beaches or parks. Miami Beach Citywide does not include residential areas, aerial or driving shots, which require additional coordination and permitting in the City of Miami Beach.

For Drone Use requirements please click here

Minimum Requirements

1. Valid Indemnity Agreement

Indemnity agreements must be completed by the President or a legally authorized individual representative of the applicant. The Indemnity agreement must be notarized by a notary public which is found worldwide or in lieu of this, the company can place their government-issued corporate seal.

  • Please "Download Agreement" below
  • Complete Agreement and Notarize
  • Send the Indemnity Agreement to the Film & Print Office via email to film@miamibeachfl.gov and/or upload with your online application.
  • Place the original in the regular mail.
    • Mail to:
      Miami Beach Film and Print Office
      1755 Meridian Avenue, Fifth Floor 
      Miami Beach, FL 33139
  • Indemnity agreements are valid for 3 years.

Please give us a call if you have any questions regarding the agreement at 305.673.7070 or email us: film@miamibeachfl.gov.

2. Valid Certificate of Insurance

of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars or of equal value in foreign currency with the territory of the United States covered.

The certificate must name the City of Miami Beach:
1700 Convention Center Drive,

Miami Beach, FL 33139
as the certificate holder and the City also needs to be listed as Additional Insured.

If your company is required to carry Workerโ€™s Compensation per State or Provence requirements, please also include proof of coverage.

3. Apply For a Permit Online

Submit your print or film permit request using the Civic Access Online Portal. The link will take you directly to the Film and Print list of permits. Once on the portal you must either login to your account or sign up for a new account.

Please view the instructional video on this page detailing the process for locating all Film and Print permits, then proceed to register an account and submit your permit application. Ensure that you have the required Indemnity Agreement and Certificate of Insurance PDF documents prepared before initiating the permit application process, as outlined above.

Please note that the City of Miami Beach and the City of Miami are two separate cities. If you wish to apply for a permit for the City of Miami, for areas like Downtown Miami, Wynwood, Little Havana, Little Haiti, etc., please visit: Get a Film Permit - Miami

Permit Timelines

The City of Miami Beach offers complimentary permits! Thatโ€™s right, free! We do not charge permit fees, square footage fees, usage fees, or any other fee. You only pay for what you use a la carte, like meter rentals, and off-duty officers.


Permits are issued Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Film & Print Office works quickly and collaboratively to help support and expedite all of your production needs. We attempt to issue all permits within a few hours of all deliverables being submitted by the client. The more complex the permit request, the more time the client needs to complete the coordination.



Citywide permits average about 2 business days of coordination for first-time applicants.

but then can be pulled within a day. Larger permits that require police staffing and meter rental average 3 to 4 business days.



Any closures, driving shots, stunt work, drone work, and regular residential uses, 2 business days, 3 to 4 business days, around 7 business days

Of course, it is always best to err on the side of applying with as much time as possible, to give some leeway.


All timelines are from complete delivery of all information/diagrams and materials needed to process permit.

Productions are encouraged to reach out in advance for general information if they are not familiar with the process

Best efforts will always be made to process requests in less time if possible, but no guarantee can be made.

Wherever one permit request triggers multiple categories, the longest lead time should apply.


City Wide Permit 2 business days
Extended City Wide (Photo only) V 3 business days
Permit triggering PD/Ocean Rescue Staffing 3 business days
Site Specific - Public Property - Non Exclusive Use Private Commercial Property 3 business days
Site Specific - Private Commercial Property 3 business days
Site Specific - Public Property - Non Exclusive Use Private Commercial Property 3 business days
Reserved Municipal Parking - Lots/Street Meters 3 business days
Driving Shots / Non-FDOT roads / no or low interference with traffic (ex. Single block ITC max 5 min, rolling roadblock only) 3 business days
Generator Safety & Placement 3 business days
Temporary Structures - Exception 3 business days
Parks Rentals 3 business days
Vehicle Beach Access Permits 3 business days
Low Impact Residential 3 business days
Aerial Photo/Filming - Drone 5 business days
Stunts / Pyro 5 business days
Reserved Residential Street Parking 5 business days
Site Specific Residential (short term - during residential production hours, no high impact activities, does not trigger Internal Review) 5 business days
Helicopter Landing - Non FDOT Areas 7 business days
FDOT Permits 7 business days
Right of Way Permits (Street Closures/Lane Drops/Sidewalk Closures/ Water Meters) 7 business days
Site Specific Residential (long term productions, outside of residential production hours, triggers Internal Review, high impact activities) 10 business days
Fire Permits ( Fireworks, Pyro, bonfire, Stunts) 14 calendar days
Environmental & DEP Field Permit Review 30 days
DEP Field Permit 21 Days
Turtle Monitor Hire *if available by FWC/DEP 14 days
Helicopter Landing - FDOT Areas 3 months (or as per FDOT)
High Traffic Streets / Causeways Closures - Require Commission approval 3+ months

Office Info:

Tourism & Culture Department

Special Events and Film Division 

Cultural Affairs Division

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