Utility Rate Structures

Beginning October 1, 2024, the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is decreasing wholesale sewer rates by $0.1320 or -3.35% and increasing wholesale water rates by $0.2873 or 13.6%.  The adjusted pass-through charges will be reflected in City of Miami Beach resident bills during Fiscal Year 2024/2025.

The Water and Sanitary Sewer user rates include a base facility charge, consumption charge, and wholesale purchase pass-through charges from WASD. The base facility charge serves as the monthly minimum service charge on each service, varying with the size of the meter installed. The consumption charge is calculated on metered water consumption. The wholesales purchase pass-through charges are designed to recover the cost of purchased potable water to the City and the sanitary sewer treatment and disposal services as provided by WASD.

For more information about each service type, please download the appropriate rate guide below: