Miami Beach Bulk Waste Pickup and Drop Off
Waste Connections of Florida is responsible for collecting bulk waste and yard trash in accordance with the following guidelines:
- Bulk waste pickup must be scheduled by calling Waste Connections of Florida directly at 786.515.2726
- Properties are entitled to six (6) free bulk pickups per year;
- Please place bulk waste out no more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled pickup date;
- Bulk waste constitutes large cuttings of bushes, tree limbs, and yard trash that cannot be placed in a can, bag or tied in bundles of 4-feet in length or less; household appliances such as ranges, water heaters and refrigerators (with doors removed); trash from do-it-yourself home remodeling/repair projects including carpeting (cut to lengths of 6-feet or less); dry wall and lumber not exceeding 5-feet in length or 40 pounds; and furniture (sofas, chairs and mattresses);
- Bulky Waste does NOT include trash from tree removal, land clearing, building demolition, chemical waste, paint, automobiles and automotive parts, tires, batteries, boats, biological wastes, or any work done by a contractor;
- Apartments and Condos: Buildings with (8) units or more, on private garbage collection service, must contact their service provider for bulk and yard waste pick up.
- Yard trash constitutes as tree/shrubs cuttings, grass clippings and palm fronds;
- Please place trash at the curb no more than 24 hours prior to 7:00 a.m. on your pickup days of the week;
- All trash must be in bags/cans or tied in bundles and weigh less than 50 lbs;
- Bundles cannot be bigger than 4-feet in length and limbs no bigger than 4-inches in diameter.
Violators of the rules noted above will be given a fine ranging from $50 to $1000. If the city has to remove the trash and waste, the violator will also be billed for all removal costs in addition to the fines.
FREE BULK DROP-OFF: First Weekend of Every Month
Residents may take bulk trash to one of the locations listed below from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Proof of Miami Beach residency is required (formal identification with a Miami Beach address and/or a utility bill accompanied by a photo identification).
Please DO NOT dispose of chemical or hazardous materials, tires, paints, or car parts into the dumpsters. Contact the Sanitation Division at 305.673.7616 for more information.
Free bulk drop-off locations:
- 140 McArthur Causeway (Terminal Isle)
- 75 Street and Dickens Avenue
2025 Weekend Calendar:
January 4 and 5
February 1 and 2
March 1 and 2
April 5 and 6
May 3 and 4
June 7 and 8
July 5 and 6
August 2 and 3
September 6 and 7
October 4 and 5
November 1 and 2
December 6 and 7