Section 4 A. Platting Procedures

Platting Procedures


A. Platting Procedures

a) Preliminary conference.  The subdivider or his engineer and/or land surveyor, prior to the preparation of the tentative plat, may seek the advice of the Building and Zoning Department in order to become more familiar with the subdivision requirements and the provisions of the master plan affecting the area in which the proposed subdivision is located.

b) Check list. The tentative plat shown on the map shall include items required by the various City departments which would determine whether the proposed layout of the land in the subdivision is satisfactory from the standpoint of public interest. Upon the approval of the tentative plat, and in order to obtain a final plat, the following information shall be submitted, unless waived by the City:


1) Proposed subdivision name and identifying title in which the subdivision is located and the section, township and range.

2) The names and addresses of the record owner, subdivider and the person preparing the tentative plat.

3) Location of property lines, existing easements, buildings, watercourses and other essential features.

4) The names of adjacent subdivisions and their owners.

5) Location of any existing sewer lines water mains or any underground or overhead utilities, culverts and drains on the property to be subdivided.

6) The locations and widths of existing and proposed streets, highways, easements, building lines, alleys, parks and other open public spaces and similar information for properties immediately adjacent to the proposed property.

7) Any changes in the use, height , area, density or other regulations under this chapter, zoning applicable to the area to be subdivided and any boundaries of such districts affecting the tract; all parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the conditions of such dedications.

8) The width and location of any street or other public rights of way or places shown in the official map or master plan within the area to be subdivided and the width, locations and grades of all streets or other public ways proposed by the developer.

9) Typical cross section of the proposed grading for roadways or sidewalks and topographic conditions.

10) The date, north arrow and graphic scale.

11) The descriptions and map of survey of tract boundary made and certified by a Florida licensed land surveyor.

12) Location of closest available subdivision or public water supply system.

13) Location of closest available subdivision or public sewage disposal system.

14) Provisions for collecting and discharging surface drainage.

15) Preliminary design of any bridges or culverts which may be required.

16) The proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions; and for odd or irregular shaped lots, suggested location of the proposed buildings.

17) The proposed location and types of sidewalks, street lighting standards, and species of street trees, the location, types and sizes of curbs, gutters, water mains, sanitary sewer lines and storm drains and width and depth of pavement and subbase and the location of manholes and basins and underground conduits.

18) The boundaries of proposed permanent utility easements over or under private property which shall not be less than 20 feet in width except as otherwise noted in this section.  Such easements shall provide adequate access to an existing public highway or open spaces shown in the layout or official map.  Permanent drainage easements shall also be shown.

19) Where the submitted tentative plat covers only a portion of the subdivider’s entire holding, a sketch of the prospective future street system for unsubdivided part may be required due to unusual circumstances.

20) A plat application signed by the owner and notarized on the form prescribed by the City.

21) All dimensions of the plat which affects public rights-of-way and proposed dedication of the public rights-of-way shall be prepared by a Florida registered land surveyor and mapper and shown on the official grading and drainage plan accompanying the approved tentative plats.


Final Plat Requirements

a) Conformity to tentative plat. The final plat shall include all necessary modifications to the tentative plat in order to conform to the requirements of this section.

b) Preparation. The final plat shall be prepared by a Florida registered land surveyor and mapper.  A final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a sheet size of 18 inches by 28 inches or 30 inches by 36 inches and to the scale of sufficient size in order to be legible.  The final plat shall comply with applicable state statute, City and County ordinances.

c) Final Plat Checklist:

1) Name of the subdivision.  The plat shall have a title or name.  The term “town” or any other term suggesting a municipal corporation shall not appear in the title or name of any plat which includes any property within the town limits.

2) Deed description.  There shall be written or printed upon the plat a full and detailed description of the land embraced in the map or plat showing the township and range in which such lands are situated and the section and part of sections platted and the location sketch showing the plat’s location in reference to the closest centers of each section embraced within the plat.  The description must be so complete that from it, without reference to the plat, the starting point can be determined and the outlines run.  If a subdivision of part of the previously recorded plat is made, the previous lots and blocks to be resubdivided shall be given.  If the plat is to be resubdivision of the whole previously recorded plat, that fact shall be so stated.  Vacation of previously platted land must be accomplished in the manner provided by law.

3) Names of adjacent subdivisions

4) Names or numbers and width of streets immediately adjoining plat

5) All plat boundaries

6) Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, section corners or other recognized permanent monuments shall be accurately described on the plat.

7) Municipal, township county or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and bearing.

8) Accurate location of all monuments.

9) Length of all arcs, radii, internal angles, points of curvature and tangent bearings.

10) When lots are located on a curve or when side lot lines are at an angle less than 87 degrees or more that 93 degrees, the width of the lot at the front building setback lines shall be shown.

11) The name or numbering and right-of-way width of each street or right-of-way shown on the plat.

12) The numbering of all lots and blocks shown on the plat.  All lots shall be shown either by progressive numbers, or in blocks progressively numbered except that blocks is numbered additions bearing the same name shall be numbered consecutively throughout the several additions.  Excepted parcels must be marked “not part of this plat.”

13) Plat restrictions to restrict type and use of water supply; type and use of sanitary facilities; use and benefits of water areas and other open spaces and odd shaped and substandard parcels; resubdivision of parcels as “platted” and restrictions of similar nature.

14) All areas reserved or dedicated for public purposes.  No strip or parcel of land shall be reserved by the owner unless the same is sufficient in size and area to be of some practical use and service.

15) The dimensions of all lots and angles or bearings.

16) Minimum building setback lines where required by ordinance

17) Location, dimension and purpose of easements

18) Certification by a registered land surveyor stating that the plat survey was performed by him and that all shown monuments actually exist and that their locations are correctly stated.

19) An acknowledgement by the owner of his adoption of the plat and of the Dedication of streets and other public areas and the consent of any mortgage holders to such adoption and dedication.  If any existing rights-of-way are to be closed, the purpose of closing must be stated on the plat.

20) The signature and seal of the City where property is being replatted, the Signature and seal of the City shall be affixed or denied pursuant to the procedures established in F.S. § 177.101, unless the vacation of prior plats has been validated previously.

d) Other required data. Other required data accompanying the plat shall consist of:

1) Restrictive covenants desired by the developers so long as they do not violate existing town ordinances.

2) Current opinion of title by an attorney authorized to practice law in Florida.

3) Tax receipt or County certification indicating that all taxes and assessments have been paid on the land within the proposed subdivision. 

4) If zoning change is requested, a certification from the City shall be furnished indicating that the requested change has been approved and the size of lots and other features shown on the plat conform to City zoning requirements.  Signing of the final plat by the Mayor and the City Clerk shall constitute such certification.

5) Clerk’s fees for recording the plat.

6) The City of Miami Beach Public Works Department shall certify through the County plat division that all the required improvements within the public right-of-way have been completed or that the City is holding what it has deemed to be a good and sufficient bond for completion of the improvements. The County plat division shall release this certification within 45 days from the acknowledged receipt date of the plat.  Failure to act within this time frame shall automatically trigger an approval of the final plat.

All platting procedures shall be in accordance to Florida Statutes Chapter 177 Part I and all surveys needed will be performed by a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Florida pursuant to Chapter 472.027 of Florida Statutes and shall meet the minimum technical standards identified in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code.