Section 1 E Electronic Media Standards And Requirements

Electronic Media Standards and Requirements 


E. Electronic Media Standards and Requirements 

It is the City’s intent that all electronic drawing files, regardless of what firm produces them, he similar in style and content. To this end, all consultants must conform to the following guidelines.

The following shall be the minimum requirements for all CADD deliverables. In addition to the required hardcopy document, digital files shall be provided in the latest version of AUTOCAD in the .dwg file format. All drawings files in a project shall be saved in the same version of AUTOCAD. All CAD files will be setup by inserting the Title Block in “Paper Space” and the drawing in “Model Space”. All drawing files will be saved in AUTOCAD.dwg format

1. Drawing within the AutoCAD file shall be drawing at 1:1 scale in MODEL SPACE. The Plotting scale unless otherwise noted, shall be:   

                                           Plan View     1″=20′

                                           Horizontal Profile 1″=20′

                                           Vertical Profile 1″=2′

2. Entities shall be set into layers as per the approved Layer Properties Guide shown in Table 1.

3. Base Line station numbers shall be 1/8 inch minimum high in paper space.

4. Street names shall be 1/4 inch minimum high in paper space. All other texts shall be as per approved Scale-Lettering Guide shown in Table 6.

5. To maintain uniformity in notes, labels, dimensioning, ect., each plotted scale will have 3 different text styles (small, medium, and large). There will also be an additional text style for dimensioning (dim). All text styles will use the simplex font type as noted in Table 4, (Dimensioning Guide) and Table 6, (Lettering Guide).

6. Base Line stationing shall increase from west to east and from south to north. Beginning stations at project site should be labeled and referenced to the nearest intersection.

7. Topography shall be plotted in one single and complete file using The Florida Coordinate Systems 1983/90, East Zone for horizontal control and Bay Datum for vertical control.

8. Labels for topography items shall be outside of the right-of-way and shall be oriented to read from the right side of the plan.

9. General notes, abbreviations, arrows and other standard symbols shall be as per the approved Symbol Guide shown in Table 3, Part III Section 14.

10. Tick marks and station values shall be placed at every 100′ stations. Tick marks shall be 1/8 inch minimum length in paper space. Intermediate tick marks shall be placed every 20′ between tick marks.

11. All entities shall be created in such a form that they may be edited. No protection of text or symbols will be allowed.

12. Right-of way lines, baselines, lot lines and other geometry related entities shall be Set at Z=0.00 elevations

13. Line weight and shade shall be as per the approved Layer and Line Weight Guide show in Table 1.

14. Dimension variables shall be similarly as per the approved Dimensions Guide shown in Table 4.

15. All final drawings shall be produced to plot a full-size equivalent ANSI D (landscape) – 22 inches by 34 inches as per the approved Frame / Limits Guide in Table 5.

16. All drawings must show at a minimum the following: Right-of-Way lines, center lines, base lines, monument lines if any, easements if any, tied to permanent reference points, lot lines, parcel lines, monuments, street names, Right-of-Way dimensions, plat subdivision information and property addressees, utility easements, north arrow and graphic scale.

17. Utility drawings must show as a minimum, the following: Separate profile for each segment and utility type (Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer, etc.); plan showing size, material, and offset of main, deflections (if any), station, services, hydrant, lateral, manholes and fittings.

18. External References (X-Refs): All drawing files will be composed of two file types; model files or sheet files. Each file type will have its own directory named either “/MODEL/” or “/SHEET/”. All entities that represent existing and/or natural improvements will be drawn in “Model” space.   These entities will always be drawn to real world size using the foot unit of measure. All entities will be drawn with the appropriate color, line type, and weight and set by layer as noted in Table 1. Note that consultants will submit a Certification of Adherence with CAD Standards form with their 60, 90 percent completion submittals and the final contract document set, as provided at the end of this section. Please note that the PM will randomly select two (2) drawings which the consultant shall provide in electronic format as part of the submittal to be checked for conformance with the Public Works Manual. This includes the following:

• Model Files will contain the base drawing illustrating the over-all plan of the project, which will be used to provide the graphic for plan, elevations, sections, profiles, ect… in the sheet files.

• Sheet files will show border graphics, text and symbology, for plan elevations, sections, profiles, details, ect.

• In addition, the consultant will refrain from “nesting” reference files (i.e. placing a reference file within a reference file).

• The consultant will ensure that all reference files are properly located in the “/MODEL/” directory.

• The consultant will use only elements that are standard to AutoCAD (i.e. no third party software elements). Elements are vector, text, dimensions, hatches, shape files, blocks, etc.

• Raster images may be used only to present digital photographic images of filled logos. Be sure to include the raster images in the “/MODEL/” directory.

• To simplify production of full and half sheets, all elements in the sheet file will be created to fit on D-size sheets, 34 inches wide (x) and 22 inches high (y).

• The consultant will refrain from the use of nested blocks, making sure that all blocks are transportable in their host file, without loss of information.

• All patterns used in the AutoCAD file must be produced by the core AutoCAD software, and not specific to any third party software.

All information will be complete and accurate enough for the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department to be able to reproduce the final hard copy plot on their AutoCAD system. As a minimum this includes the following:

• Plotter name and model;

• Graphic output language (HPGL, EPS, ect);

• List of reference files visible in the plot, including sheet borders and title blocks;

• List of visible blocks;

• List of visible layers;

• Pen assignments;

• Other setting which control output (lock);

• Plot date, date of last modification to file, archive date;

• and, any other consideration needed to produce the plot.

All contract drawing deliverables to the City of Miami Beach will be in digital CD-ROM format, containing the two major directories: “/MODEL/” and “/SHEET/”.

19. The “Revision Box” shall be completed for each phase of the project, i.e., Design Phase, Bidding Phase, and Construction Phase. For the Design Phase the “Revision Box” shall be completed for each of the Design Progress submittals, i.e., 60%, 90%, 100%, permitting submittals, ect. Once the design is complete the “Revision Box” shall be cleared to track the bidding phase of the project, i.e., Issued for Bidding, Addendum No. 1, Addendum No. 2, etc. At the completion of the bidding phase once again the “Revision Box” shall be cleared to track the construction phase of the project, i.e., Conformed Drawing, Contract Document Clarification No. 1, Request for Proposal No. 1, Record Drawing, etc.

20. Each Base Drawing shall have a Drawing Key Map on the bottom right corner of the sheet. The drawing Key Map will be “keyed” to the Site Key Map for the project. The Drawing Key Map will clearly identify the limits of proposed improvements depicted on the Base Drawing in relation to the overall Site Key Map.

21. Where required, miscellaneous plans and details will be prepared. These drawing will be prepared at a minimum 1″ = 20′ scale, although partial plans may be at greater scales if deemed necessary by the consultant to illustrate the requisite level of detail. References to external resources without illustrating the actual detail in the documents will not be permitted.

22. Please note the following conventions to be used when establishing drawing names:

• G:  General

• EC:  Existing Conditions

• DM:  Demolition

• PG&D:  Paving, Grading and Drainage

• HS:  Hardscape


     -Specialty Concrete / Finishes




• WM:  Water Main

• SS:  Sanitary Sewer

• SW:  Storm water

• E:  Electrical

• LA:  Landscape (Streetscape)



     -Sod / Seed


     -Street Furnishings & Accessories

• IR:  Irrigation

• PM:  Pavement Marking and Signage

23. All Final Documents and As Built Documents shall be as per the approved File Naming Guide hown in Table 2.

Public Works Department

Tel: 305-673-7080, Fax: 305-673-7028 



Project Name: ____________________________________________________

Completion Stage Submittal:  Circle one –  60%  90%  100%

This checklist is intended to verify Consultant adherence to the City of Miami Beach AutoCAD Latest Version Standards.

Each A/E Consultant will furnish a completed list with its 60%, 90%, 100% completion stage Contract

Please indicate the total number of drawings in the submittal set: ____________________________

Have all Drawing files been named in accordance with City standards?   

Have all Drawing files been named in accordance with City standards?   

Have all X-refs been named and layered in accordance with City standards?   

Do the Cover Sheet and Title Block match City standards?   

Is a Key Map provided?       

Are individual Discipline Drawings referenced to the Key Map?   

Have all Utility Owners in the Area been contacted and their input noted?  

Has the topographic survey base map been X-ref’d in to each drawing?   

Have all design related items been placed in “Modelspace”?    

Have the proper discipline layering / naming criteria been adhered to?   

Have all hatch patterns and shading guidelines been followed?    

Are all colors in accordance with specified City line weight standards?   

Are dimensions and leader s associated with an item?    

Are graphical scales provided on each drawing in paperspace?    

Are north arrows provided on each drawing as applicable, in paperspace?  

Is the Consultant’s logo properly inserted in paperspace?    

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No










                                        Print Name and Title

