Reporting of Elevator Accidents
Reporting of Elevator Accidents
If there is an accident involving an injury that requires medical attention, you should call 911 immediately. You should then contact the owner or ownerโs management company regardless of injury.
All accidents should be reported to the owner or ownerโs management company because it is their responsibility to contact the elevator maintenance company. The device will remain shut down until it has been examined by the elevator maintenance company. It is the ownerโs or ownerโs management companyโs responsibility to ensure that the device is shut down properly and that it remains shut down until the elevator maintenance company and a representative of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Elevator Safety Division has examined and if needed, repaired the conveyance.
The owner or ownerโs management company must file an accident report within 5 days with us and the State of Florida. Failure to timely file this report is a violation of this Chapter 399 and will subject the certificate of operation holder to an administrative fine, to be imposed by the division, in the amount not to exceed $1,000. The report must be sent to:
- City of Miami Beach Public Works โ Elevator Safety Division
1700 Convention Center Drive 1st Floor
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Chief Elevator Inspector joeygan@miamibeachfl.gov
If you have a complaint about an elevating device or service or if the device is not functioning properly, contact your building owner or property Management Company. The maintenance company should document your complaint, investigate it and provide a proper solution to the ownerโs management company. If you believe the problem is a life safety issue, please call us at 305.673.7225 or joeygan@miamibeachfl.gov