• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Brittany Bay Park

Parks & Recreation Menu

  • Amenities

  • Accessible

  • Water Fountain

  • Parking:

  • ADA and limited spaces are available on the North end of the site

  • Bench Seating

  • Features

  • Outdoor Fitness Area:

  • Enjoy ten outdoor “Kompanfit” pieces and one "Urban Sports Equipment" piece for ages 12 and older as well as a cement landscaped fitness loop (4 x’s around the loop = 1 mile).

    Each fitness element sits on a poured in place surface and has instructional signage complete with workout suggestions.

  • Special Features:

  • Sit at the scenic overlook of Indian Creek, a partly natural and partly man-made waterway in the city.

Photo Gallery