• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Teen Programs

Parks & Recreation Menu

The Miami Beach Teen Club is an After School Program designed for Teens. The program offers weekly theme events, field trips, performing arts and volunteer opportunities. Program partly sponsored by The Miami Beach All-Stars funded by the Childrenโ€™s Trust. For more information contact Willy Priegues at williepriegues@miamibeachfl.gov.

North Shore Park Teen Club:

Monday โ€“ Friday โ€ข 2 PM โ€“ 7 PM
Grades: 6 โ€“ 12
Fee: FREE* residents / $1,471 non-residents
*FREE for Miami Beach residents that attend a Miami Beach school.  Call 305.861.3616 for more information.
Click here to register

Scott Rakow Youth Center Teen Club:

Monday โ€“ Friday โ€ข 2 PM โ€“ 7 PM
Grades: 6 โ€“ 12
Fee: FREE* residents / $1,471 non-residents
*FREE for Miami Beach residents that attend a Miami Beach school. Call 305.673.7767 for more information.

Click here to register

Nautilus Teen Club:

Monday โ€“ Friday โ€ข 3:45 PM โ€“ 7 PM
Grades: 6 โ€“ 8 (only students enrolled in Nautilus Middle School can attend this Teen Club)
Fee: FREE* residents / $1,471 non-residents
*FREE for Miami Beach residents that attend a Miami Beach school.  On no-school days Nautilus Teen Club members are able to attend our other locations. Call 786.479.5228 for more information.
Click here to register

Teens attending the program receive community service hours for school, free field trips to sports events, movies, amusement parks and much more.

โ€ข Drug Prevention
โ€ข Life Skills
โ€ข Drama Classes
โ€ข Hip Hop Classes
โ€ข Cooking Classes
โ€ข Teen Basketball
โ€ข Art Classes

Teen girl jumping


Programs and Events

Volunteer Initiative Program

Saturdays, 1 outing / month
Register online by visiting register.miamibeachparks.com
Be a part of our community service initiative. Teens will be notified via email the information on each outing. The program helps High School students gain service hours needed to graduate. Volunteer opportunities include: Environmental Cleanups, City Events, Special Olympics, Awareness Walks and more. Contact Willie Priegues at wpriegues@miamibeachfl.gov for more information.

Open Gym

Scott Rakow Youth Center โ€“ 2700 Sheridan Avenue
Begins 9/9/24
Monday โ€“ Friday | 2:30 PM โ€“ 4 PM
Must show school ID or school schedule. Call 305.673.7767 for more information.

Senior Hip Hop

Scott Rakow Youth Center โ€“ 2700 Sheridan Avenue
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 3:30 PM โ€“ 5:30 PM
Register online by visiting register.miamibeachparks.com
The Mauve Crew is a Hip Hop competition dance team for teens. To be part of the competitive team you must be selected during a 2-day tryout. If selected the group will have practice twice a week and will compete in 3 competitions throughout the season.

Parks with Camp Programs:

South Pointe Park

South Pointe Park
1 Washington Avenue

North Shore Park and Youth Center

North Shore Park & Youth Center
501 72 Street

Nomandy Isle Park

Normandy Isle Park
7030 Trouville Esplanade

Scott Rakow Youth Center

Scott Rakow Youth Center
2700 Sheridan Avenue

Muss Park

Muss Park
4300 Chase Avenue

Flamingo Park Field

Flamingo Park
11 Street & Jefferson Avenue

Fencing Classes: Begin August 22

Muss Park โ€“ 4300 Chase Avenue:

Discover the exhilarating sport of Olympic fencing, master essential techniques, and unleash your competitive edge. The program is offered in partnership with Davis Fencing Academy. No prior experience is necessary.

Tuesday & Thursday starting at 6:30 pm
Fencing Class โ€“ 6:30 - 8 PM
Open Fencing โ€“ 8 - 9 PM

For more information, visit www.davisfencingmiami.com/miami-beach or email jeff@davisfencingmiami.com