• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Adult Programs (18+)

Parks & Recreation Menu

Fencing Classes: Begin August 22

Muss Park โ€“ 4300 Chase Avenue:

Discover the exhilarating sport of Olympic fencing, master essential techniques, and unleash your competitive edge. The program is offered in partnership with Davis Fencing Academy. No prior experience is necessary.

Tuesday & Thursday starting at 6:30 pm
Fencing Class โ€“ 6:30 - 8 PM
Open Fencing โ€“ 8 - 9 PM

For more information, visit www.davisfencingmiami.com/miami-beach or email jeff@davisfencingmiami.com

Adult Ceramics Classes:

North Shore Park Youth Center โ€“ 501 72 Street
Ages: 18+
September 2024 โ€“ May 2025
Mondays & Wednesdays: 9 AM โ€“ 2 PM
Monthly Fee: $36 res. / $67 non-res.
Click here to register online
Learn the basics about ceramics and pottery at our ceramic classes for beginners. One large piece per person, per class or two small pieces per person, per week. Class begins 9/4. Call 305.861.3616 for more information.

Adult Art Club:

North Shore Park Youth Center โ€“ 501 72 Street
Ages: 18+

Saturdays: 9 AM โ€“ 1:30 PM
Join fellow artists and enjoy a free space to create and mingle with others that share your love for art. Materials are not included; all skill levels are welcome to participate. Space is limited, no instructor. Call 305.861.3616 for more information.

Woman Exersising

Group Fitness Classes

Athletic Circuit Training

Sundays: 8:30-9:30 AM
Fire up your Sunday morning with an hour-long circuit training class that will use mostly bodyweight Athletic Training moves. This class is guaranteed to get your heart rate up and get those muscles quivering, improving your balance and mobility at the same time. Appropriate for everybody. Bring a mat or large towel and your water bottle. Bring a mat or a towel, water and sunblock. Sign up in advance to help with planning. The class meets by the boardwalk at 14th Street and Ocean Drive.

Hatha Yoga

Thursdays: 8 AM - 9 AM
Start your day working on both physical and mental strength with this "slow flow" yoga class. Appropriate for everybody. Bring a mat or a towel, water and sunblock. Please sign up in advance.

Mid Day Yin Yoga Reset, on Elevation LIVE!

Fridays: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Reset your posture, get rid of those tight spots in your body and give yourself an energetic boost to power through the rest of your day. Yin Yoga is a practice of held postures, helping you to find peace at the edge of discomfort, keeping the focus on connective tissue like tendons, ligaments and fascia. With regular practice expect, among other benefits, an increase in joint mobility as well as a calmer mind. You need a mat or towel to sit on. This class is on-line only. Log on and Pick Elevation LIVE!. Find our class, and click on that to get your Zoom Link. 

Sign Up For Class:

1. Visit https://www.elevationfitnessportal.com/

2. Login to your account or Create an account, click on "Request an Invite". Create your account and accept the waiver.

Purchase Classes:
From the home screen select โ€œShopโ€ at the bottom.
Click on the "Group Fitness Credits in Miami Beach" button to select which items you would like to purchase. Do not forget to add your "NEW8" code if this is your first class!
Use Apple Pay or fill in your credit card information (this will be saved) and submit.

Register for Class:
Click on โ€œClassesโ€ at the bottoms of your dashboard.
Choose your class and click โ€œRegister.โ€

See you there!

NOBE Yoga in the Park โ€“ Free classes at three locations:

Collins Park Bass Museum of Art โ€“ 2100 Collins Avenue
UNIDAD (behind building on the terrace) โ€“ 7251 Collins Avenue
Lummus Park โ€“ 9 โ€“ 10 Street & Ocean Drive
Ages: 14+
Mondays & Wednesdays: 6 PM โ€“ 7 PM (Collins Park)
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6 PM โ€“ 7 PM (North Shore Bandshell)
Sunday 10 AM โ€“ 11AM (Lummus Park)
Call 305.673.7730 for more information. 

Zumba with Fitness by Fernando:

North Shore Park Youth Center โ€“ 501 72 Street
Mon. Wed. Thu.: 6:30 PM โ€“ 7:30 PM
Class Fee: $9 residents ($16 non-residents)
No class on 1/15. Call NSPYC at 305.861.3616 for more information.

Cardio & Calisthenics Fitness Classes:

Collins Park Garage (G12) -  340 23 Street City Center
Saturdays: 9 AM
Class Fee: FREE
Enjoy a free technical boxing class fitness class. Basic punches and boxing movements will be taught that correspond with certain workout stations. Several workout/exercise stations will be set up for students/clients to rotate to. Located on the 6th/7th floor ramp.

Parks with Adult Programs:

North Shore Park and Youth Center

North Shore Park & Youth Center
501 72 Street

Scott Rakow Youth Center

Scott Rakow Youth Center
2700 Sheridan Avenue

Muss Park

Muss Park
4300 Chase Avenue

Lummus Park Muscle Beach

Lummus Park
Ocean Drive & 5-15 Streets

collins garage park

Collins Park Garage
340 23 Street

Collins Park Bass Museum

Collins Park (Bass Museum)
(Bass Museum) 2100 Collins Avenue

Flamingo Park Field

Flamingo Park
11 Street & Jefferson Avenue