Budget Amendments & Resolutions FY 2020

2019-30930  Resolution Setting The Proposed Operating Millage Rate, The Required Debt Service, Calculate RollBack Rate, Date First Public Hearing FY 2020

2019-30931   Resolution Setting The Proposed Operating Millage Rate For The Normandy Shores Neighborhood Improvement District, Calculate RollBack Rate, Date First Public Hearing FY 2020

2019-30974  Resolution Adopting the Tentative AD Valorem Millage for FY 2020

2019-30975  Resolution Adopting the Tentative Operating Budget for FY 2020

2019-30976  Resolution of The Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Adopting the Tentative AD Valorem Millage for FY 2020

2019-30977  Resolution of The Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Adopting the Tentative Operating Budget for FY 2020

2019-30978  Resolution Adopting the Tentative Capital Budget for FY 2020

2019-30979  Resolution Adopting The Biscayne Point Security Guard Special Taxing District Preliminary NON-AD Valorem Assessment Roll for FY 2020

2019-30980  Resolution of the Biscayne Point Security Guard Special Taxing District Adopting the Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2020

2019-31003   Resolution Adopting the AD Valorem Millage for FY 2020

2019-31004   Resolution Adopting the Operating Budget for FY 2020

2019-31005  Resolution of The Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Adopting the AD Valorem Millage for FY 2020

2019-31006  Resolution of The Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Adopting the Operating Budget for FY 2020

2019-31007   Resolution Adopting the Capital Budget for FY 2020

645-2019      Resolution Adopting the Final Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Operating Budget for FY 2020

646-2019      Resolution Adopting the Final Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Capital Budget for FY 2020


Capital Budget:

2020-31139    Resolution Adopting the First Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020

2020-31179    Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020

2020-31240   Resolution Adopting the Third Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020

2020-31267    Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020

2020-31307    Resolution Adopting the Fifth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020

2020-31356    Resolution Adopting the Sixth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2020


 Operating Budget:

2019-31081     Resolution Adopting the First Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020

2020-31138    Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020

2020-31178    Resolution Adopting the Third Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020

2020-31268   Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020

2020-31306   Resolution Adopting the Fifth Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020

2020-31496   Resolution Adopting the Sixth Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY 2020