• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

ocean drive art deco buildings

Retirement Benefit

The monthly benefit that you will receive if you continue in employment until your Normal Retirement Date is called your Normal Retirement Benefit. The amount of your Normal Retirement Benefit is based on the following factors:

  • Your Covered Salary as previously defined.
  • Your Final Average Monthly Earnings (FAME) as previously defined.
  • Your years of Creditable Service at your Normal Retirement Date.
  • Your Classification and/or Tier

Your Normal Retirement Benefit is calculated as follows:

Tier B Member
3% of FAME multiplied by your years of Creditable Service subject to a maximum of 80% of your FAME.

If your FAME is $4,000 and service is 22 years then your monthly benefit = 3% X $4,000 X 22 Years = $2,640.

Tier C Members

2.5% of FAME multiplied by your years of Creditable Service subject to a maximum of 80% of your FAME.

If your FAME is $4,000 and service is 22 years then your monthly benefit = 2.5% X $4,000 X 22 Years = $2,200.

The following exceptions apply:

For Classified – Tier A
3% of FAME for each of the first 15 years of Creditable Service plus 4% of FAME for each year in excess of 15.

The maximum benefit is 90% of your FAME.