• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000
ocean drive art deco buildings


The Risk Management-Claims Section investigates and attempts to resolve claims filed against the City involving both personal injury and property damage, allegedly arising from the Cityโ€™s operations.  The Claims are managed using a simplified procedure for resolving legal disputes without the necessity, time, and expense of our formal judicial system. Hence, the claims process serves both the needs of the claimant and the City.

Recovery for losses sustained by the City due to the negligence of others are pursued by Risk Management through the subrogation program.

Should you elect to file your claim directly with the Cityโ€™s Risk Management Claims Office, we request that you follow the process on the online portal by clicking on the URL link below:
Click Here

Please submit all relevant supporting documentation, such as receipts, proof of ownership, multiple estimates, billings, etc., or any other additional evidence that is relevant to your claim (e.g. photos, diagrams, etc.).

The City Claims office will not pay or commit to paying for any damages or loss of use until our investigation is completed. The Risk Management staff will review and thoroughly investigate the matter based upon the merit and facts of the claim prior to rendering one of three outcomes:

  1. Pay a sum of money as settlement of the claim; or
  2. Tender or transfer the claim to a responsible party or entity (e.g. Contractor); or
  3. Deny a claim where there is no evidence of liability or if the City is immune from liability in accordance with ยง768.28 F.S. and/or legal precedence.

As the claimant, you are responsible for mitigating your damages. This includes minimizing storage expenses & protecting your property from additional damage and exposure.

NOTE: All documents submitted to the City of Miami Beach are subject to Florida Public Records Statute (Ch. 119, F.S.) after the claim is closed.

Please note that the City of Miami Beach is a self-insured public entity as defined under ยง768 F.S. and does not carry excess liability insurance coverage.

FRAUD WARNING: โ€œAny person who, knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any employer or employee, insurance company, or self-insured program, files a statement of claim containing any false or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree.โ€