• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000
ocean drive art deco buildings

Volunteer/Internship Opportunities

Volunteering is good for you and good for the City
Use your passion, and skills to serve.

โ€œOne person can make a difference, and everyone should tryโ€ ---- President John F. Kennedy

Our City values the opportunity to welcome volunteers and interns that can benefit and contribute to the success of the community. The City will match your interests and your skill set with a current project or program.

Volunteering offers each of us the ability to participate in the process of building community, make valuable contacts and gain experience which enhances advancement of your professional goals.

Volunteering results in a strong partnership between the community and the City to support a safe and enriched quality of life for everyone.

The volunteer application attached should be completed, scanned and sent to SoniaWalthour@miamibeachfl.gov or MarlaAlpizar@miamibeachfl.gov

Click here for the application *****