Part 6 Inspections


As required in NFPA 101, Section 13.7.1, the owner shall inspect the means of egress to ensure it is maintained free of obstruction, and correct any deficiencies found, prior to each opening of the building to the public.   The owner shall prepare and maintain records of the date and time of each inspection on approved forms, listing any deficiencies found and actions taken to correct them.

The owner shall implement an inspection program that includes daily and weekly inspections.  The attached forms will guide the owner or management on the items to inspect.

The daily inspection can be assigned to different supervisory employees instead of the same person to provide a “fresh” look each day.  The manager on duty must still conduct his/her inspection to ensure that the exit doors are unlocked and unobstructed.

The weekly inspection can be assigned to management staff to ensure that someone with authority is checking the major items as well as providing a quality check on the daily inspectors.

The fire department conducts several inspections throughout the year.  A fire inspector responds to any complaints generated by the public to ensure that fire code hazards are eliminated.  A fire inspector also conducts annual inspections and checks that fire code requirements are met.  Before a new nightclub opens for business, a fire inspector must conduct a CU inspection.  Finally, the fire inspectors conduct night inspections during operating hours during weekends and holidays.

A fire inspector will conduct an annual inspection of the nightclub and write a notice of violation upon identifying any code violations.  The owner must be present during the inspection or designate staff members to be present.  The violations identified must be corrected as soon as possible and within the time frame specified by the fire inspector.  If the violations are not resolved, then the fire inspector will take the case to the Special Master proceedings.  The Special Master may then impose fines in order to encourage compliance as soon as possible.