• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Emergency Preparedness


Keep a preparedness kit at your home at all times with the following suggested items in it. Some of these items will be needed as basic provisions in your home, some you will take with you when you evacuate, and others will be needed once the storm has passed and you are allowed to re-occupy your home. Include items based on your own needs. The following are suggested items, but build your kit to your needs.

Hurricane Kit Checklists

Basic Provisions

For home and on the go.
  • Water for both drinking and sanitation - one gallon of water per person per day. (The suggested amount is for at least 1-week)
  • Non-perishable food (also enough for at least one week)
  • Battery- or solar-powered or hand-cranked Radio/TV/Fan/Flashlight(s)
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlights
  • Extra Batteries
  • Can opener
  • Matches or lighter
  • Prescription medicines (a month's supply)
  • Tools (hammer, screw driver, pliers, and nails)
  • Spare keys to home and vehicles
  • Plastic garbage and storage bags
  • Paper plates, napkins, paper towels, eating utensils
  • Toilet Paper
  • Emergency cooking facilities / Sternos / Propane for gas BBQ grills
  • Fuel (stored in an approved container outside)
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Bleach (without lemon or any other additives)
    • Only two drops per quart or liter is necessary to make water potable
    • Use sparingly for cleaning surfaces
  • Water purification tablets
  • Blanket and pillows
  • Mosquito/insect repellent and killer
  • Sunscreen
  • Other: rope, an inflatable raft, life preservers, a tarp, sleeping bags and blankets, duct tape, and mosquito netting.
  • Also, consider:
    • Supply of masks and face coverings (up to two week's worth)
    • Hand sanitizer gel

Pet Kit

Take care of all family members
  • Pets should have proper ID (microchip, collar with tag, tattoo) including name, address and phone number
  • Up-to-date veterinary records (vaccinations, medical history, any existing medical conditions with prescriptions, proof of ownership, current photos)
  • Updating your pets’ vaccines during an emergency could prove challenging, so plan ahead.
  • One-month supply of medications
  • Flea & tick prevention/treatments
  • Two-week supply of food and water (remember the can opener!)
  • Toys, treats and blankets to comfort animal
  • Proper leash & collar per pet
  • Appropriate pet carrier per pet
  • One-month supply of litter medium with pan & scoop

Important Documents

Waterproof bag or box for all important documents:
  • Proof of residency/business
  • Driver's license
  • Insurance policy
  • Utility bill
  • Birth/marriage certificate
  • Bank account information
  • Mortgages
  • Copies of prescriptions
  • Phone numbers of family, friends, physician, pharmacy, caregiver and business/employer contacts
  • Property photos
  • Maps of the city, county and state (Paper copies)

GO Kit

Keep an emergency “go-kit” ready at all times that you can take with you in the event of an evacuation.
  • Keep important documents sealed in an airtight container.
  • Consider the needs of the person carrying the kit.
  • Plan this in advance at the start of hurricane season each year and involve your children in creating their own kit in order to help them feel more comfortable with it.
  • Prescription drugs
  • Extra cash
  • Essential personal items
  • Rain gear (clothing and shoes)
  • Change of clothing (plan for two weeks)
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Toiletries
  • Dentures
  • Hearing aids
  • Eyeglasses
  • Battery-powered, solar or hand-cranked radio / NOAA Alert radio
  • Extra batteries
  • Toys/books/activities for kids

Two-Week Supply of Food/Drink

Maintain a two-week supply of food and drink for each person. Keep it as a part of your preparedness kit. Include the following items:
  • When possible, use a cooler, but plan for no refrigeration
  • Water (One gallon per person – per day)
  • Special dietary needs items
  • Small containers of canned meats, fruits, soups, etc.
  • Dry cereal and crackers
  • Granola/cereal/protein bars, nuts, peanut butter
  • Bread
  • Canned or bottled juices
  • Dry or non-refrigerated milk and baby food or formula (if applicable)
  • Pet food
  • Floodplain Management

  • Flood Protection

  • Know Your Hazards

  • Condo/Hotel Emergency Response Team

  • American Red Cross Emergency Preparedness APP

  • dem@miamibeachfl.gov

  • 305.673.7736 ext. 7736

  • Office

    2310 Pine Tree Drive, Third Floor
    Miami Beach, FL 33140

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday - Sunday | 24/7