Building Events & Announcements
Upcoming Events
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Effective March 14, 2022,the Building Department will require an authorization letter from the condominium association for any work in the building’s units. This requirement also applies to commercial units in mixed-use buildings.
Recorded Meetings & Webinars
Industry Meeting for Design Professionals
To access the recording of this webinar, please visit:
Topic: Learn about Miami Beach design and construction regulations directly from the code officials of the City of Miami Beach. Gain insights on plan submission guidelines, requirements, and frequently missed or omitted notes on plans. Stay informed and ensure compliance with the Florida Building Code and the City's regulations.
Existing Building Recertification and Annual Maintenance Log Training
To access the recording of this webinar, please visit:
Topic: The Building Department is hosting an informative session for building managers and condominium association members on the City’s requirements for existing building recertification as well as maintaining their annual maintenance logs for buildings that are 5 stories and greater.
Training for Existing Building Recertification
To access the recording of this webinar, please visit:
Topic: The Building Department is hosting an informative session to discuss the new requirements for existing building recertification.
Building Department - Community Feedback Webinar
To access the recording of this webinar, please visit:
Topic: The Building Department is hosting a public session to gather feedback from the community on the City of Miami Beach Building Department.
Private Provider Training
To access the recording of this webinar, please visit:
Topic: The Building Department is hosting a training session for Private Providers to cover new procedures and any concerns impacting permit issuance and inspections.
To download the guide on updates, reminders, and use of the online system, click here.
Building Department - Community Feedback Session
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Public session to gather feedback from the community on the City of Miami Beach Building Department.
Training for Annual Maintenance Log (11/16/2022)
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: This session will provide attendees with the requirements for maintaining their annual maintenance logs beginning January 2024.
For the Annual Certification for Regular and Routine Maintenance of Structural Integrity form, click here.
Training for Building Recertification
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: The Building Department hosted an informative session for building managers and condominium association members on the new requirements for building recertification.
Training for Annual Maintenance Log
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: This session will provide attendees with the requirements for maintaining their annual maintenance logs beginning January 2024.
For the Annual Certification for Regular and Routine Maintenance of Structural Integrity form, click here.
Online Permits Training Webinar
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Training for Online Permitting.
How to Prepare Plans and Documents Webinar
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Training for preparing drawings and documents for submission.
How To Digitally Sign and Seal Plans Webinar
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Training for digitally signing and sealing drawings and documents.
Citizen Self Service (CSS) User Training Webinar
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: CSS training for Online Permitting.
Changes to Single-Family Residence Construction
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on upcoming changes to Florida Statutes, which will impact building permits for single-family residential homes.
Summer Trade Series: Building Trade Workshop
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on Building Trade Plan Reviews and Inspections.
Summer Trade Series: Electrical Trade Workshop
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on Electrical Trade Plan Reviews and Inspections.
Summer Trade Series: Mechanical Trade Workshop
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on Mechanical Trade Plan Reviews and Inspections.
Recertification Informative Session
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on Building Recertifications.
Building Department Innovations
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Discussion on upcoming changes to the Building Department.
For webinar Q&As, click here.
Building Department - Community Feedback
To access the recording of this webinar, click here.
Topic: Online public forum reviewing poll results and Question & Answer session.
Archived Notices
Effective December 1, 2020, all projects requiring Miami Dade County reviews must be submitted by the applicant directly to the Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory & Economic Resources.
This change is in response to customer demand for the ability to submit directly to the County agency.
In order to submit directly to the County, applicants will first need to apply for a Miami Beach permit and include, as part of the submission to Miami Dade County, a copy of the Miami Beach Building Department permit application. The copy of the Miami Beach Building Department permit application can be downloaded by logging in to the Miami Beach Citizen Self Service(CSS) portal and clicking on the “Attachments” button.
Guidelines on how to submit to Miami Dade County can be viewed here: Guideline
Link to the Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory & Economic Resources Plan Status & Application Submittal Portal:
Effective June 1, 2020, the Building Department will:
- Continue to limit appointments to Microsoft Teams virtual appointments.
- Only accept permit applications and plans submittals via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) portal.
- Continue to perform inspections on active permits.
- Accept permit consultations via email. Consultations to be sent to:
- Recommend that CDC Guidelines be followed for active construction sites.
Safety Guidelines for Interior Inspection of Structures. Contractor needs to maintain a safe and healthy job site environment and follow the CDC’s best practices regarding social distancing.
Inspectors will be wearing gloves and masks, and observe 6’ physical distance at all times. We ask that you prepare for our no-touch service request protocol before their arrival by cleaning and removing all personal belongings from the inspection area. All residents and pets must remain in another room away from the work area, at least 6’ physical distance while our inspectors are on your property.
Inspectors shall activate Body Cameras during all inspections.
Please do not schedule an inspection if you can answer yes to any of the following questions:
- Have you tested positive for COVID19 ?
- Has anyone in the unit traveled internationally or from a US hotspot, in the last 2-weeks?
- Does anyone in the unit have COVID related symptoms; cough, shortness of breath, fever, loss of taste/smell?
- Has anyone in the unit come in contact with or taking care of a person who is sick with COVID-19?
Inspectors may cancel the inspection if any of these safety requirements are not met.
Effective June 1, 2020, the Building Department will:
- Continue to limit appointments to Microsoft Teams virtual appointments.
- Only accept permit applications and plans submittals via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) portal.
- Continue to perform inspections on active permits.
- Accept permit consultations via email. Consultations to be sent to:
- Continue to enforce CDC Guidelines for active construction sites:
- Condominium interior work
- 3 workers max*
- Masks and Gloves
- Social distancing (within safety limits to perform work)
- Daily Temperature log kept on site for inspections
- E-mail daily log to
- Hand washing stations available
- Condominium interior work
* Projects larger that 2000 sq.ft. may contact the Building Official if additional workers are required e-mail with the project details and site rules that exceed
- New construction projects and Vacant Buildings
- 8 workers max per area**
- Masks
- Social distancing (within safety limits to perform work)
- Daily Screening with temperature
- Screening log on site
- Hand washing stations available
** Sites with specific safety concerns may contact the Building Official if additional workers are required to perform tasks safely e-mail
Effective Monday, January 4, 2021, the Call Center will offer uninterrupted phone service as follows Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 3 PM.
JUNE 2020
**Effective Monday, June 29, 2020, we will not require a letter from the association indicating that the work and workers are allowed in the building.**
Effective June 1, 2020, the Building Department will:
- Continue to limit appointments to Microsoft Teams virtual appointments.
- Only accept permit applications and plans submittals via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) portal.
- Continue to perform inspections on active permits.
- Accept permit consultations via email. Consultations to be sent to:
- Issue permits for interior condominium remodel with a letter from the association indicating that the work and workers are allowed in the building. Email condominium work approval to:
- Continue to enforce CDC Guidelines for active construction sites:
- Condominium interior work
- 3 workers max*
- Masks and Gloves
- Social distancing (within safety limits to perform work)
- Daily Temperature log kept on site for inspections
- E-mail daily log to
- Hand washing stations available
- Condominium interior work
* Projects larger that 2000 sq.ft. may contact the Building Official if additional workers are required e-mail with the project details and site rules that exceed
- New construction projects and Vacant Buildings
- 8 workers max per area**
- Masks
- Social distancing (within safety limits to perform work)
- Daily Screening with temperature
- Screening log on site
- Hand washing stations available
** Sites with specific safety concerns may contact the Building Official if additional workers are required to perform tasks safely e-mail
MAY 2020
**Changes due to COVID-19 concerns**
During this COVID-19 state of emergency, the governor has granted Executive Order 20-52, which allows a six(6) month extension on All active permits. In order to assist you with your permits, the Building Department is automatically extending permits which are due to expire; this extends the permit for an additional six(6) month period.
If you see that a permit has expired after March 10th, then please contact us at
No application or e-mail request is required for the automatic extension and there is no need to contact us unless your computer automated extension does not take place.
- Effective Wednesday, March 25th, only on-line applications will be allowed.
- All applications for permit types not available on Citizen Self Service (CSS), must be emailed to for processing. Once the process number has been created and Up-front fees have been paid, the applicant will have the ability to upload drawings and documents via Citizen Self Service (CSS).
- All applications for Sub-permits must be applied for using Citizen Self Service (CSS).
- Permit renewals and extensions must be submitted via email to
- During the COVID-19 Emergency Period, design professionals may submit scanned drawings and documents in lieu of a digital signed and sealed set along with the required affidavit which can be downloaded here.
- All permits, that have not been issued, are required to upload all documents via Citizen Self Service (CSS) for review.
- Any 24Hr plan disapproved, must upload all corrections via Citizen Self Service (CSS).
- Virtual Inspections are now allowed for certain job types. For more information, click here.
- Safety logs are required for all construction sites with 8 or more workers.
All employees are to be screened daily prior to entering the site. Click here for screening procedures. - The log is to be kept on site and available for Building Department inspection.
- Use of a protective mask mandatory.
- Contractors are to verify that social distancing is being maintained. Building Department inspectors will check when on site.
- Hand washing stations are required at construction sites.
- No more than 10 workers in a room or area at any time.
**Failure to comply will result in a Stop Work Order (14 day minimum shut down) and a $500 citation fee.**
North Beach office will be closed to the public until further notice. Customers may visit the City's dedicated COVID-19 webpage regularly to stay informed.
Thank you for understanding and working with us.
APRIL 2020
- The Building Permit Reprieve Program, extended twice by the Mayor and Commission, expired on April 30, 2020.
- April 27: The Online resources page was updated to include 3 new guides on how to.. Upload plans and documents online, How to apply for permits, and How to Submit plans and corrections.
- On April 9, 2020 the department created a temporary affidavit to be used in lieu of the electronic seal by design professionals.
- April 7: All forms posted on the web are fillable.
- Since April 7, 2020, the department granted an automatic 6 month extension to any issued permits and 40yr Building Recertifications (valid from March 10 - May 10).
MARCH 2020
- Starting March 24, 2020, we stopped issuing the Interior condo permits. The existing permit holders were allowed to continue working, if the individual homeowners association allowed it.
- For the he 24HR plan which was disapproved and any permit not issued, corrections and documenttation had to be uploaded electronically via the CSS.
- Commencing on March 25, 2020, only on-line applications were allowed.
- A permit type not available online had to be submitted via email to Once the process number was created and the up front fees were paid online, then the portal was open to allow for the electronic submittal.
- All sub-permits were to be submitted through the online system.
- Renewals and extensions were to be e-mailed to
- The City of Miami Beach did not require sizing calculations or plans for AC change-outs, including permits to correct violations unless the inspector determines in the field that the installation is not an exact replacement.
- Construction projects with more than 8 workers had to be screened daily using this guideline. A log had to be kept at the job site. The City of Miami Beach building inspectors were to check the logs on safe site practices. Lack of compliance with the CDC recommendations on construction sites could resulted on the issuance of a violation and, depending on the severity, would require the site to be closed down, and the permit could have been revoked. Contractors were notified via email and signs were posted online.
- On March 16, additional permitting changes were imposed due to the COVID-19. Notifications were sent to this regard on the same day.
- The North Beach office was closed to the public until further notice, as a precautionary measure amid COVID-19 concerns. Notices to the public were sent on March 15, 2020 and posted online and in the offices. Later in the month, the main office was also closed to the public.
- Customers were advised to pick up their plans within two days of completion of reviews. Otherwise the plans needed to be retrieved from the Records Management section with a required payment of $50 storage fee and within 30 days. After this time frame, plans were to be discarded. Email notifications were sent on Feb 13, 2020.
- The Building Department offered the ability to apply for permits online. The list of permits available online were to be reviewed by clicking here. Notice to the public was sent on February 6, 2020.
- Due to Super Bowl activities near City Hall, from January 27 until January 31, 2020, the walk-through, drop-off, and all customer services were only conducted at the North Beach Office located at 962 Normandy Drive. The return time for walk-through plan reviews was 48 hours during that period. Emails were sent to the public on January 15 and on the 22, 2020.
- If the Notice of Violation Compliance date was due during the week of January 27-31, an extension was granted if requested via email to the Chief Building Code Compliance Officer, before February 14, 2020. Permit extensions were to be requested via email to with same dateline. Notifications were sent on Jan 30, 2020.
- Since December 12, 2019, the City of Miami Beach did not require sizing calculations or plans for AC change-outs, including permits to correct violations unless the inspector determined in the field that the installation was not an exact replacement.
- Beginning Monday, December 9, 2019, submittal of a Construction Cost Affidavit was required when applying for permits (except for Flooring). Notifications were sent via Constant Contact on December 17, 2019.
- The Building Department announced that Sub-permits were added to the online services which included up to then, the Commercial and Residential Portable Toilets, and Condominium Flooring-not including bathroom and balcony. Email notifications were sent on December 2, 2019.
- The department implemented changes in the issuance of service tickets to improve our permitting services. All changes were posted in our web page and customers were also notified via Constant Contact. Additional Emails were sent on November 13, 2019.
- The Building Department closed at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 22nd for the Thanksgiving Lunch celebration. Notifications were posted and emails sent to the public on November 20, 2019.
- On October 15, 2019 a fourth presentation took place at the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. The Building Official/Director, Ana M. Salgueiro, P.E., shared the new building permitting processes including the Walk-Through, the online permitting, and the space redesign to comply with the safety audit.
- A third informative discussion took place in Commission Chambers at City Hall on October 11, 2019. The Building Director informed attendees about the new walk-through and drop-off changes coming in effect on October 15, 2019. Invitation emails were sent to the public via Constant Contact on Fri, Sep 27, 2019.
- On Tuesday, September 10, 2019, the Building department, in conjunction with DERM, hosted the 11th FOG Round Table Meeting from
10 AM to 12 PM at the North Shore Park & Youth Center Community Room located at 501 72 Street, Miami Beach, FL 33141. Invitation emails were sent to the public on August 12, 2019.
- Hurricane Preparedness Advisory notices were posted in our web pages, in the Building Department's bulletins, and sent to the public via Constant Contact.
JULY 2019
- The City of Miami Beach announced that the new Citizen Self Service (CSS) is available. This portal is replacing CAP, which was decommissioned on Friday, July 31, 2019. We are asking all users to migrate their CAP accounts to CSS as soon as possible.
- Please click here to visit CSS and migrate your account now.
- For more information about the new CSS, click here.
- Guidance to residents about the SOLAR MARKET.
JUNE 2019
- The Building Department provided another outreach, educational Seminar on June 13, 2019. The American Concrete Institute, ACI, presented a Seminar Lecture on ACI 318-14: Reorganized for Design. Invitation emails were sent via Constant Contact on May, 13, 2019.
- Effective Saturday, June 1, 2019, the City of Miami Beach Building Department/Mechanical section Implemented the Board of Rules and Appeal’s December 13, 2018 interpretation for wind resistance design and installation of mechanical equipment. Read more here.
- Notices about ponded water and site safety enforcement were sent via Constant Contact to the public on June 13 and 14, 2020.
MAY 2019
- The Building Department closed at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2019, to attend a Department meeting for presentations, awards, and the Operations Manager's retirement party.
- May was the ICC Building Safety Month recognizing the value of code officials.
APRIL 2019
- High School Technical Training Program (HSTTP). The City of Miami Beach partnered with the International Code Council (ICC) to offer Miami Beach High School students the opportunity to get an advance look at building codes for those interested in pursuing careers in the construction profession. Interested parties could have applied for this program until May 22, 2019. (Application form here).
- The Building Department hosted the second session of its community meeting series to educate residents on the permitting process, permit classification, and more. Invitation emails were sent to the public via Constant Contact on February 12, 2019.
Location: North Shore Park & Youth Center, 501 72 Street (Community Room)
Date and Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - A discussion and training regarding our new online permitting for portable toiltetts took place on February 7, 2019. Invitation emails were sent to the public on January 10 and 15, 2019. They met at the Building department's conference room on the second floor.
- There is a $500 fine for jobs with concealed work without the required inspections.
- As of Monday, January 14, 2019, the hours for the Walk-Through tickets are 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
- Effective January 2, 2019, the Building Department will consistently enforce the re-review and re-inspection fees as approved by Ordinance NO. 2017-4173.
After three failed plan reviews, there will be a $250 fee applied for each trade being re-reviewed. After two failed inspections, a $200 fee will be applied each time. - As of January 1, 2019, the minimum construction values have changed to:
- The minimum value for new construction shall be $110.00 per square foot.
- The minimum value for alteration/remodeling shall be $60.00 per square foot.
- Review the Photovoltaic System’s page.
- New Selective Coordination Requirements (Form) for Plans Review is required for all projects which include elevators, moving walkways, wheelchair lifts, stairway chairlifts, fire pumps, emergency systems, legally required standby systems, and critical operations.
- Rebuild Florida’s Housing Repair and Replacement Program was launched in September 2018 to assist low-income homeowners whose homes were still damaged from Hurricane Irma. Please click here to obtain this valuable information.
- Rebuild Florida was available to Help Homeowners in our county Recover from Hurricane Irma. If you believe you may be eligible for assistance, please visit to register or call Rebuild Florida at 844.833.1010. You can also go to a Rebuild Florida Center to receive help with registration.
- New Building Permitting Procedures:
- New Construction with a seawall.
- New Condominium interior alteration non-structural permit
- Work Exempt from Permits. As per Florida Building Code 2017, the following work is exempt from permits. (To print the list, please use this link).
- News from our Director/Building Official. There is a new Interior Alteration, Non-Structural permit type that will benefit the Condominium Owners with the remodeling of their units.
Did you know?
- All food service establishments (e.g. restaurants, cafeterias, bakeries, coffee shops, juice bars, etc.) MUST have a current Grease Discharge Operating Permit (GDO) issued by the Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM).
- All facilities with GDO’s MUST have a Grease Trap.
- All Grease Traps MUST be maintained in good working order.
- All Grease Traps MUST be cleaned at the frequency shown on the GDO permit.
- For additional information about the FOG permitting process in the City of Miami Beach, please call 305.673.7610.
- On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, the Building Department started its first seminar of a Community Meetings Series. In this first seminar, we discussed the recently simplified and reprieve permits' programs. This informative and educational seminar was hosted by the City of Miami Beach, Building Department! For more information, please click here.
JULY 2018
- The City of Miami Beach Building Department hosted a community meeting to discuss the simplified Building permitting process and the Commission enacted Reprieve Program. Invitation email was sent to the public on July, 2, 2018.
MAY 2018
- BUILDING PERMIT REPRIEVE PROGRAM. Extension of this program was approved unanimously at the City Commission on May 16, 2018. The City enacted Ordinance No. 2018-4192 which amended the sunset date from April 30, 2018, through April 30, 2019.
APRIL 2018
- The Building Department's annual meeting was hosted on Tuesday, April 10, 2018.
MARCH 2018
- Industry Meeting, March 19, 2018. Flood Plain, Phase and Private Provider’s permits and processes were presented to general contractors, private providers, permit expediters, and professionals.
- Flood Awareness presentation.
- Original invitation email sent to customers. Correction sent on March 2, 2018.
Streamlining Permit Counter Information Meeting