Budget Amendments & Resolutions FY18/19

2018-30429  Resolution Setting The Proposed Operating Millage Rate, The Required Debt Service, Calculate RollBack Rate, Date First Public Hearing FY2018/19

2018-30430  Resolution Setting The Operating Millage Rate For The Normandy Shores Neighborhood Improvement District, Calculate RollBack Rate, Date First Public Hearing FY2018/19

2018-30501  Resolution of the Normandy Shores Improvement District Adopting the Tentative Operating Budget For FY2018/19 Subject to Second Public Hearing

2018-30502  Resolution Adopting The Tentative Capital Improvement Budget Plan for FY2018/19 Subject to Second Public Hearing

2018-30503   Resolution Biscayne Point Security Guard Special Taxing District Adopting the Preliminary NON-AD Valorem Assessment Roll for FY2018/19

2018-30504     Resolution Biscayne Point Security Guard Special Taxing District Adopting the Preliminary Operating Budget for FY2018/19

2018-30511      Resolution Adopting the Final AD VALOREM Millage for FY2018/19

2018-30512    Resolution Adopting the Final  Budgets For the General, G.O. Debt Services, RDA AD VALOREM Taxes, Enterprise, Internal Service and Special  Revenue for FY2018/19

2018-30513     Resolution Adopting the Final Operating Millage Rate For The Normandy Shores Neighborhood Improvement District, Calculate RollBack Rate, FY2018/19

2018-30514    Resolution Adopting the Final  Operating Budget For The Normandy Shores Neighborhood Improvement District for FY2018/19

2018-30515    Resolution Adopting The Final Capital Improvement Budget Plan for FY2018/19

635-2018      Resolution Adopting the Final Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Capital Budget for FY2018/19

636-2018      Resolution Adopting the Final Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Operating Budget for FY2018/19



Capital Budget:

2018-30610   Resolution Adopting The First Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2018-30649   Resolution Adopting The Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30681   Resolution Adopting The Third Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30753   Resolution Adopting The Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30792   Resolution Adopting The Fifth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30825   Resolution Adopting The Sixth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30891   Resolution Adopting The Seventh Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

2019-30929   Resolution Adopting The Eighth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY2018/19

General Fund, Enterprise Fund, Internal Service Fund, and Special Revenue Fund Budget:

2018-30608    Resolution Adopting The First Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY2018/19

2019-30791     Resolution Adopting The Second Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY2018/19

2019-31080    Resolution Adopting The Third Amendment to the General, Enterprise, Internal, and Special Revenue Fund Budgets for FY2018/19

RDA Budget:

639-2019   Resolution Adopting The First Amendment to the RDA Capital Budget for FY2018/19