Elizabeth Wheaton Bio

Elizabeth Wheaton has been working with the City of Miami Beach since 2008 and over the last ten years has served in the Public Works Department, Building Department, and the Office of the Mayor and Commission. In 2015, the Environment & Sustainability Department was created and Elizabeth was appointed as the Director. The City’s Environment & Sustainability Department, focuses on climate change mitigation and adaption efforts through the lens of sustainability, environmental resources management and urban forestry.

Elizabeth has been instrumental in the development and implementation of the City’s sea level rise and climate change initiatives. In 2014, Elizabeth was selected to participate in The Miami Foundation’s Class VIII Miami Fellows Program, a prestigious leadership focused on community engagement and impact. Most recently, Elizabeth was selected to participate in the Harvard Business School’s Young American Leader’s program.

Elizabeth graduated from University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science with a Masters in Marine Affairs and Policy and now serves on the RSMAS Alumni Board.