More Introduction


The City of Miami Beach’s Division of Emergency Management (DEM) coordinates a comprehensive and integrated emergency and event management system. By synchronizing available city and community resources, the Division works to protect lives, property and the environment through prevention, protection, mitigation, and response. The Division’s coordination efforts support recovery from natural and human-caused hazards that may impact our community. DEM works to ensure a more resilient community through collaboration of City Departments and partner agencies.


  • Provide situational awareness to City departments and emergency management partners.
  • Engage an integrated, all-hazard, risk-based approach for mitigation, response, continuity of operations, recovery, and preparedness planning.
  • Employ emergency management strategies that address the ultimate goal of sustainability.
  • Work to improve awareness and comprehension of the five mission areas by engaging the whole community in prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery.
  • Build robust partnerships with local, state, regional, national, and international entities for the mutual benefits of preparedness and resiliency.

Miami Beach Emergency Management focuses on:

  • Reducing vulnerability to potential major emergency and disaster incidents.
  • Planning for the best processes by which the community can rebound physically, economically and emotionally.
  • Engaging the whole community in planning, training, and exercising core capabilities under the five mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery.