Part 7 Employee Training


New employees should receive an orientation training before starting a regular shift, and current employees should receive refresher training on several topics – fire safety, nightclub fire history, evacuation plan, crowd management, and fire extinguisher use.

Fire Safety.  The employees should be trained in identifying fire hazards during the course of performing their duties.  Any possible ignition sources (frayed wiring, extensive use of extension cords, smoking, cooking, etc) should be eliminated.  Excessive combustible loading (trash, boxes, etc.) should be removed and discarded properly.

Nightclub fire history.  The employees should be aware of the fire experience (see Part I) in assembly occupancies, particular nightclubs.

Evacuation plan.  There should be a diagram of the facility identifying all the exits and fire protection equipment.  Each employee should be assigned specific duties during an emergency.  The assigned evacuation task should be practical based on the normal duties of his/her job.  Certain employees can be responsible for opening the exit door near their work station and be able to maintain the door open to facilitate occupants to exit.  Other assignments can be making announcements, directing occupants to the exits, etc.  The employees shall be trained and drilled in the duties they are to perform in case of a fire, panic, or other emergency to effect orderly exiting.

Crowd managers.  Each nightclub shall have at least one trained crowd manager at all times of operation.  Where the occupant load exceeds 250, additional crowd managers shall be provided at a ratio of 1 manager for every 250 occupants.

Fire extinguisher.  The employees shall be trained in the use of fire extinguishers.  The employees shall activate the fire alarm (if not already sounding), contact 911 and help evacuate the occupants first.  However, a well trained individual can use a fire extinguisher for small fires effectively.