Are you just going to leave your trash there? We know your mom taught you better than that!
Come on; just the way you keep yourself fit, you can also keep the city we love "in shape" by keeping it clean, picking up after yourself and not littering.
From our streets to our beach, to our waterways and even our people, Miami Beach is a city best enjoyed when it looks perfect! After all, nobody wants to tan or get their workout done next to candy wrappers, plastic bags, cigarette butts and used cups. We're making it easier for you to see the best of us, by doing our best to #KeepMBClean.
Litter disrupts everything we do, how we live, how we work, and how we play.
Compared to other cities, our ecosystem makes keeping Miami Beach clean and litter-free a distinct challenge. With our many natural resources like beaches, waterways, and wildlife, we need you to take special care of our city and do your part and put your trash in the can. Trust us, the turtles will thank you for it!
So, to help #KeepMBClean, be sure to:
1. Trash your trash, and
2. Recycle your recyclables.
Let us show you just the right moves:
BTW, if you litter in Miami Beach you'll get fined, so there's that... Here are the facts. For litter violations that take place on a beach or park within the City, or on a city marina, pier, dock, or boat ramp, the civil fines would be as follows:
a. First offense within a 12-month period: $1,500.00 civil fine;
b. Second offense within a 12-month period: $2,500.00 civil fine; and
c. Third or subsequent offense within a 12-month period: $3,500.00 civil fine.
Keep Us Fit, Pick Up
Your... Put your trash in the can. Post and tag your photos with
#KeepMBClean and show your friends how its done.
Now go make your mom proud!