• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Capital Improvement Projects

The Office of CIP’s current program includes unparalleled multi-million-dollar investments in quality of life infrastructure including prioritization of sea level rise with storm water and right of way neighborhood improvement projects, parking facilities, parks improvement projects and sustainability and resiliency projects necessary to improve, enhance and maintain facilities and infrastructure to meet the service demands of residents and visitors to the City of Miami Beach. The Capital Improvement program is mostly funded by authorized bonds including, General Obligation, General Obligation for Arts and Culture, water/sewer, and storm water funding. Other sources of funding may include grants, resort tax, parking bonds, etc. At any given time, CIP manages approximately 50 active projects in their planning, design or construction phases. CIP’s ultimate goal is to advance the majority of these projects to completion on their individually planned timelines and within their established budgets.

Capital Budget


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Glossary of Terms

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Mission Statement

We are dedicated to the management of the City’s capital construction efforts and to provide the platform to comprehensively address the goals set forth in the General Obligation Bond programs, the Water and Wastewater Bond program, the Stormwater Bond programs, and the Redevelopment Area Infrastructure Program to improve the City’s infrastructure, public facilities, parks, beaches, golf courses and public safety equipment.

The city works diligently to coordinate all active construction projects within its city limits, including those that are being performed by outside agencies. External agencies include the state, the county, and utility companies that provide services to our community and maintain some of our roadways.

Our Partner Agencies Include:

District Six is responsible for planning, designing, building, and maintaining all State-owned roadways and bridges in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The district is home to 2,553,400 people. More than 30.8 million miles of its roads are traveled daily. FDOT has several construction projects within the City of Miami Beach Limits. For additional information, please access their website at  www.fdotmiamidade.com

Website: www.miamidade.gov/publicworks/
The department engineers, constructs and maintains the County’s roads, bridges, canals, sidewalks, street signs, pavement markings, traffic signals, street lights and stormwater drainage facilities. It maintains landscapes along the public rights-of-way of Miami-Dade County and also provides a mosquito control program.

Website: www.miamidade.gov/environment/
The Miami-Dade County Environmental Resources Management implements monitoring, education, restoration, regulatory and land management programs to protect water quality, drinking water supply, air quality and natural resources that are vital to the health and well-being of all Miami-Dade County residents and visitors and the ecosystem.

Website: www.dep.state.fl.us/mainpage/about/about_dep.htm
The DEP protects, conserves and manages Florida’s natural resources and enforces the State’s environmental laws.The Department’s regulatory priorities include administering Florida’s air pollution control programs to best protect human health; protecting and restoring water quality; managing hazardous waste and cleanups; overseeing beach restorations; and reviewing applications for power plants, transmission lines and natural gas pipelines. In addition, DEPs six District Offices ensure statewide compliance with department rules.

Website: www.sfwmd.gov/
The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental agency that oversees the water resources in the southern half of the state, covering 16 counties from Orlando to the Florida Keys and serving a population of 7.9 million residents.The agency is responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida by balancing and improving water quality, flood control, natural systems and water supply.

Website : http://www.peoplesgas.com/
TECO Gas provides natural gas service to Miami-Dade County. For more than 115 years, Peoples Gas has provided Florida residents and businesses with reliable, environmentally-friendly, economical natural gas products and service.

Website: http://www.fpl.com/
Florida Power & Light Company serves approximately 4.6 million customer accounts in Florida and is the largest rate-regulated utility in Florida and the third largest in the United States.

Capital Budget

The Capital Improvement Plan is a financing and construction/ acquisition plan for projects that require significant capital investment. The CIP is a five-year plan of public improvements and capital expenditures, which is updated annually and submitted to the City Commission for adoption, specifies and describes the City’s capital project schedules and priorities for the five years immediately following the Commission’s adoption. In addition, the first year of the plan outlines the funding to be appropriated in the annual Capital Budget.

This document is an official statement of public policy regarding long-range physical development in the City of Miami Beach. A capital improvement is defined as a capital or “in-kind” expenditure of $25,000 or more,

resulting in the acquisition, improvement, or addition to fixed assets in the form of land, buildings, or improvements more-or-less permanent in character and durable equipment with a life expectancy of at least five years.

Projects will address many needs across different areas of the City including neighborhood enhancements such as landscaping and sidewalk restoration; traffic calming; roadway and bridge; resurfacing and reconstruction; water, sewer, and drainage system improvements; park construction, renovations, and upgrades; renovation of seawalls; parking lot and garage renovations; and construction/renovations of public facilities.

Office Information

The Office of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) was established in 2001. With 20+ years of dedicated service to the City of Miami Beach, we’ve learned there are always exciting times in our community as we work together to overcome challenges in the construction industry and continue enhancing capital construction activities on long-awaited projects throughout the city. At any given time, the Office of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) is working on over 50 assignments in various stages of construction.